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LED light, can't find purpose


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Hi gang, well I've been out in the garage fiddling with my new toy. I found (what looks like) an LED light at the corners of my map light pod. I experimented with all combinations of lights I could think of, scowered the Mustang manual and Shelby suppliment. No help. I know it's not the auto dimming sencors on my mirror, just don't know. Can any of you help explain? Thanks in advance for your patience with this newbie. I know this pic my be 90 degrees out. My windows 10 does not send photos the way I want to this forum. Even if I send it 90 out to begin with..... post-46360-0-11708200-1465071294_thumb.jpg

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Its part of your alarm. They detect motion inside the vehicle.


Roll your windows down, remove the keys, set the alarm, wait about a minute for things to settle down, then reach in through your open window and watch what happens.



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Haha. I discovered this the hard way while at the Shelby tribute show. I parked my car with the window part way down and set the alarm. Walked around the show and kept hearing a distant alarm go off and said to my wife "Some idiot is going to have a dead battery".


Turns out that at car shows, people put a bunch of flyers through open windows advertising future shows. I must have had 6 flyers on my seat, but at least my battery was still good :)

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