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Auction Result

Wayne  Grey

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Bottom line. Cars depreciate. These aren't Picasso's.

Yup..... Not sad at all. Expected and guaranteed. Go drive your car and enjoy because the value will continue to drop regardless.

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If you think the late model Shelby's will ever hold the value like the 65-70 ones, you're dreaming! Sure certain late model ones have potential but that's 20 years down the road so I suggest DRIVE IT and who gives a damn about value. If you are paranoid to drive it because you are worried about its value then you might as well sell.


I own other Mustangs but my 2008 GT/SC is setup so perfect that no money would make me sell it and even though I haven't been able to enjoy it recently due to health issue as soon as I feel better I'm going to go blow the gunk out of it... DRIVE THEM

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Belloq: What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something.


Indiana: Ha ha ha ha - [under his breath] - Son of a bitch.



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If you think the late model Shelby's will ever hold the value like the 65-70 ones, you're dreaming! Sure certain late model ones have potential but that's 20 years down the road so I suggest DRIVE IT and who gives a damn about value. If you are paranoid to drive it because you are worried about its value then you might as well sell.


I own other Mustangs but my 2008 GT/SC is setup so perfect that no money would make me sell it and even though I haven't been able to enjoy it recently due to health issue as soon as I feel better I'm going to go blow the gunk out of it... DRIVE THEM


+1 Hope you are feeling better soon so you can enjoy her.

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People, I just thought it was sad. I waited too long to get a Shelby and I do drive and enjoy it as much as I can - in fact the stable mates actually get jealous because they don't get used like they used too.

I hear ya Wayne..... I waited 41 years to finally get one now I'm enjoying it whenever possible.


I think the one of the reasons they are selling so low is that people just don't understand what they are, hell even some of the dealers don't know. I'm not saying they should sell for a lot but I would think they would go for a little more than $21k.

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Most people know the name Shelby, but they really don't know "the man" and just what all he has brought to the auto industry. I"m hoping the movie that is supposed to come out soon about Shelby will raise awareness so if you're looking to unload your car, you might get a bump in price after that movie comes out.

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If you try to look up the value of a 07' or 08' Shelby GT on Kelly Blue Book or NADA you find it as a premium Mustang. Then after checking the Shelby package box it adds $1,500.00 dollars to the value. So that becomes the the loan value/worth to the rest of the non-Shelby fanatic world. Even for insurance cost it is viewed as a GT. Good for the buyer , bad for the seller. We all know they will be worth much more some day. I could have bought 67' Shelbys for $5,000.00 all day in 1977.

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Yes. I don't think NADA, etc. take much more into account than age and mileage. And the auto values seem to go down every year regardless. Sellers on Autotrader ask much more. I've noticed some other unique cars going up on Autotrader over a few years, while the guides continue to depreciate them. Quite a disconnect.

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Well, something is only worth what someone else will pay you for it.

The pricing gap between the SGT and GT500 in my opinion is knowledge and speed.


Some folks still don't understand a pre vs post title modification and others don't care.

Drive what you like and if your passionate about it, all the better.

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If you try to look up the value of a 07' or 08' Shelby GT on Kelly Blue Book or NADA you find it as a premium Mustang. Then after checking the Shelby package box it adds $1,500.00 dollars to the value.



While this appears true for KBB, it's not the case with NADA where they have Shebly GT as one of the choices vs. "Shelby Package" the difference on NADA between a 2007 mustang GT and Shelby GT is ~ $5,700


Clean Retail for a 2007 SGT with 30k miles per NADA is $23,700


For those that paid full price and/or +ADM this equates to ~$19k+ depreciation.


Similarly the 2007 GT-500 NADA clean retail is $29,700 with original MSRP of $45 = $15.3k+ depriciation

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, something is only worth what someone else will pay you for it.

The pricing gap between the SGT and GT500 in my opinion is knowledge and speed.


Some folks still don't understand a pre vs post title modification and others don't care.

Drive what you like and if your passionate about it, all the better.


Gawd, this is so true. I spent what I feel is too much money for my Shelby GTs. And I have spent a sinful amount of dollars on mods.


But, I cannot worry about that, it's just money and I am a bad at money. Both cars were investments in my future...Investments in fun, learning, meeting people, great people, people I never would have met on my own.


All of this is the payoff, the return on the dollars. And when it comes to people, folks like y'all and even when you don't like me or what I post...well, it's all priceless to me.


The guy who sold that Shelby GT...all he thought about was how much money he got for his Mustang. Maybe he'll go find another one and fool everyone again, cause to him, it's just a Mustang.


"Fools...all y'all. How dumb can ya get."


Hehehehehe...sshhh...nobody tell him, k?


Y'all be safe.

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