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Starting a FB page for SGT owners

Hot Pony

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Dang! There goes the neighborhood..... :hysterical:


Hey! Be glad I pop my head up often for abuse!




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UPDATE: We have 67 members in 10 days.....not too shabby! So far it has been a lot of fun and members seem to like it. This is strictly a group of SGT owners who share the passion and love for their cars and don't mind connecting with others around the country (and outside the USA). Members have been posting pics of their cars and remarking on the Mods they have made If you get a chance, come visit and don't forget to invite any SGT friends you know. https://www.facebook...41976709162636/

Best Regards, Joe

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for voting for my car in the calendar contest. Not sure what to say, but I ended up with the 3rd highest votes and was not chosen. They had a couple of cars with only 1 or 2 votes that won a spot. I'm thinking that they wanted to put their customers on their calendar rather than someone across the country. Oh well, I gave it a shot.


BTW. our Facebook page is growing pretty fast. We have almost 120 members thus far. That's better than I imagined. If you haven't taken a look, be my guest. Here is the link again: https://www.facebook.com/groups/741976709162636/


Thanks again and best regards to all.


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