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The new Reality Show "STREET OUTLAWS"........ is it REAL?

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The new Reality Show "STREET OUTLAWS", is it real or all just for the Show. They say that their little town has the 10 Fastest Cars in the Country...................I for one KNOW that, that is Bullshit. BUT, my question is: I have seen people get arrested and their Cars taken away for post their Street Racing on YouTube and on Face Book. How are these people on the TV Show getting away with illegal Street Racing?

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It's not real. It is staged and shot like a tv series.


For an even worse example of "reality" tv, check out the new show Siberia. It's sold to us as a reality show like survivor, only no one gets voted off. Whoever of 14 make it through a Siberian winter at their camp site, gets an equal share of 500k.


....the fine print at the end of the credits reveals all characters are fictional, and oh yeah, it's filmed in Canada....which is so very close to Siberia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol. OK fellas... the racing is real. The cars are real. I know them all on a personal level. The show is a typical show. They have some staged crap. Some of the cop activity is staged. For any show to get peoples attention there has to be a level of "drama".


As far as the whole "its on a staged airport closed road...yeah it is. They can't film a show on a dark road with any production value. So yea its not on the "street" but its still on a concrete unprepped cold dusty road.


Some of the people are acting pretty eccentric for the show. Again per the production crew. Azn bit hard on it. Shawn (murder nova) told them to eat a d***!


And yes I'm sure on the TRACK there are faster cars. On the street.....these are the fastest cars around. People come out to okc all the time to race and go home broke and with hurt feelings


The show makes it look like they are running a lot longer than they are... but ill put a pay check they no car here could hang with most of our unranked cars much less our list. I'm not talking down on anyone's cars. But these machines are on a whole new level. They are hitting speeds in the 1/8 that most can't hit in the half....



Oh and they just got renewed for a 2nd season

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I wonder if this is the show that one of the guys in my Mustang club was talking about recently. Apparently he will be on some new reality show, but I thought it was going to be filmed locally here in MI or maybe they're just taping one show here locally. I'm not sure. I just can't get into the reality TV. I watched like the first 2 seasons of Survivor in the 90's and then that was about it for me.

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I like the show. Me and my son watch it. It is REALITY TV, so there is going to be some kind of drama. This series is not only catered to the hard core racers, or it wouldn't reach a wide audience. I heard it was renewed for Season 2. The thing is, it would be cool if they traveled to other places and raced, like different states.


I did hear BoostedGT is coming from TX to race them. Now that should be a good race there.

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I like the show. Me and my son watch it. It is REALITY TV, so there is going to be some kind of drama. This series is not only catered to the hard core racers, or it wouldn't reach a wide audience. I heard it was renewed for Season 2. The thing is, it would be cool if they traveled to other places and raced, like different states.


I did hear BoostedGT is coming from TX to race them. Now that should be a good race there.



there will more than likely be racers from other areas coming down. Truth is the show wont last long with the same 10 cars racing. There have been a LOT of call outs but no one has shown up yet. Boosted and a bunch of guys from texas come up qute a bit (youtube cash days). That car a wicked fast. I hope some folks come out of the wood work. I know it gets under people skin every time justin (bigchief) says we have the fastest street cars in the nation. He has had a 10k dollar call out for anyone to come race shawn. So far there have been no takers. Not for the money anyway.

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Can't be much worse than that show on SPEED called: "Are you faster than a redneck?" They film that down at Carolina Motorsports Park about 40 minutes south of my house. Maybe they should rename the show, "Are you dumber than a redneck?" Or was that one already used... I can't keep up with all these so called reality TV shows. You want some reality? Step outside and go live the adventure rather than watch TV.

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It was a good trip, a bit shot for me but Val and I did drive some of Rt 66 heading up to Tulsa. Did it in a Mazda 3 and I SURE MISSED our convertibles. It was a beautiful day.


Hopefully, next time I am out there we could hook up.

Ill hold you to it. This time of the year is crazy. I went to work at 6am (day job heavy airplane mechanic) for off at 3 and went to second job ( landscape empire I'm slowly building) been mowing all afternoon. Got home a little after 9pm. Toss in a military commitment a 2 year old and a needy wife and you see where I'm going. But fall is coming and i punch out of the military Dec. 4th.


Tulsa is awesome. I'd move there in a second. Glad u guys had a good trip. Any tornado damage tours? Its still surreal driving down the road a half block and just seeing an empty field

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WOW, now I understand you being busy.....


When we flew in, we went south to Norman on the interstate. Had to jump off because Val needed a Coke Zero after our flight. Stopped at the store and in the process seen the Classic Store that advertised Ford/Mustang/Chevy parts. We seen it last year when we were out there for the wedding but seen it on the way to the airport and did not have time to stop. So we did this time. Found this in the store:





When we got ready to leave, traffic on the interstate was backed up. So, I used the frontage road as long as I could. When we got on the interstate, we went by Moore threatre and bowling alley. It and the rest of the area were leveled. All we could talk about was being in the bowling alley last year. But the damage is mind boggling. My heart really went out to those people.

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Vandy, how do you get a race down there? My friend has been trying to contact all those guys including the production crew and no one will contact him back. He doesn't want to be on the show he just wants to go against these so called fastest cars in the country.

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Lol. OK fellas... the racing is real. The cars are real. I know them all on a personal level. The show is a typical show. They have some staged crap. Some of the cop activity is staged. For any show to get peoples attention there has to be a level of "drama".


As far as the whole "its on a staged airport closed road...yeah it is. They can't film a show on a dark road with any production value. So yea its not on the "street" but its still on a concrete unprepped cold dusty road.


Some of the people are acting pretty eccentric for the show. Again per the production crew. Azn bit hard on it. Shawn (murder nova) told them to eat a d***!


And yes I'm sure on the TRACK there are faster cars. On the street.....these are the fastest cars around. People come out to okc all the time to race and go home broke and with hurt feelings


The show makes it look like they are running a lot longer than they are... but ill put a pay check they no car here could hang with most of our unranked cars much less our list. I'm not talking down on anyone's cars. But these machines are on a whole new level. They are hitting speeds in the 1/8 that most can't hit in the half....



Oh and they just got renewed for a 2nd season




Hmmmmmmm......"On the street.....these are the fastest cars around" is totally different that what THEY are bragging about. THEY are saying that THEY are the Fastest 10 Cars in the COUNTRY, Possibly the, WORLD. That is what I call BS on, I will try to believe that they MAY have the Fastest 10 Cars in the AREA......... But there might be a few Faster Street Cars in their area but the owners are not dumb enough to Street Race them like these idiots do.

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Hmmmmmmm......"On the street.....these are the fastest cars around" is totally different that what THEY are bragging about. THEY are saying that THEY are the Fastest 10 Cars in the COUNTRY, Possibly the, WORLD. That is what I call BS on, I will try to believe that they MAY have the Fastest 10 Cars in the AREA......... But there might be a few Faster Street Cars in their area but the owners are not dumb enough to Street Race them like these idiots do.


Anybody can say they have the fastest cars. :talkhand: These boys obviously haven't been to South Texas where the drug dealers have the unlimited resources :spend: to build "the fastest cars."

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In the racing world I grew up in, about the time you think you have the fastest, someone shows up with something FASTER... :peelout:


An old saying we had growing up. " its cheap to go fast, but it is REALLY EXPENSIVE TO GO FASTER".


Another one we used to love to say, " if it don't go fast, Chrome it". :hysterical2:

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They state over and over again "the fastest street cars"


People do come from all over to race. There are some fast cars around. Most are talk and never show up.


When these boys run on the street safety is number 1. They are not dumb kids doing it in traffic. Most times are on shut down or very patrolled areas. We run a LOT of security.


As far at Texas is concerned ....YouTube cash days. Also northstar noprep drags. Texas has some fast cars. Boostedgt and his buddies where up here a few days ago.they lost some money.


I'm not trying to nut swing on Shawn, Dave, doc, chuck Justin or anyone else. But they take racing serious and have some hard hitting insane HP cars that hook hard on cold dusty streets.

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Im curious, do they ever run on the dragstrip? I wonder why we never hear times or HP numbers on these cars. And I think street car is a very liberal label to put on these cars. If murder nova was out driving on the street, it wouldn't be doing it legally. I know that truck is a true street class, but most of those are not street class.

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Im curious, do they ever run on the dragstrip? I wonder why we never hear times or HP numbers on these cars. And I think street car is a very liberal label to put on these cars. If murder nova was out driving on the street, it wouldn't be doing it legally. I know that truck is a true street class, but most of those are not street class.


I think I remember murder nova said he had 1500 hp. I know fox bodies that are pushing 2000+hp. These actually get driven on the street, unlike all these "fastest street cars" that all get trailered. I agree that farm truck is the only real "street car" on that show.

I've only watched parts of the shows. I can't sit through the whole thing though, too much drama. :slapfight:

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  • 2 months later...

All I can say for illegal street racing is "Dumb Ash"

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Typically I would agree with you on the street racing.....but not with these guys. They are extremely safe. There is a LOT of security in.place to keep bystanders out of a collision with them.



And in Oklahoma there is no inspection so everything with a tag I'd "street legal" and yes Shawn drives the nova around town. They are trailered to the spot for security reasons not because we can't drive them there


You will never see what these boys run at the track

And if a number is shown, its not what they can run

They make a lot of money around the country racing. Why would they want people to know what they run?


Just got done filming season 2. Set your dvr so there is more to complain about

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  • 2 months later...

As always to many people answering these questions with out knowing how it works. First off air fields don't have telephone poles with wire connecting them so obviously where all the streets they race seem to have those anyone who says that has gotta be brain dead. Second when 16 year old kids street race it's just a bunch of punk kinds with no organization getting together with no spotters and betting their lawn mowing money.


Professional street racing uses spotters, a captain, a treasurer and do make a list because those are the top of the charts and they use that list to set up a team against any outsiders or if they go as visitor. This is nothing new, it has been done since street racing has become a national past time through out the country.



As far as the guy with the AC Cobra pic goes saying it's dangerous, they use spotters and keep a strong eye out, the only ones at risk are them so to be such a grandpa I would hardly call you a car guy since that car in your pic has claimed more lives on the streets then most any car in the world.


The TV show is signed on as entertainment/Biography, that way the TV show it's self can never be used as evidence in court and any video evidence against anyone has to be warranted and collected from the network it's self. Ergo if they are not caught in the act they can not be held accountable by law Same as Chiefs license being suspended in season 1, he wasn't caught red handed nor was it suspended after the show aired so by law he was grandfathered that no harm no foul they did not catch him with a suspended license therefor he did not break the law. Same as done with biographies. OKC does have a large underground racing scene and the little kids in daddies borrowed Cadillac don't count.


Though the fact is the cars names may have been made by production (That of which I don't think is the case here) BUT they have given rights to any name and likenesses used such as Murder Nova and Farm Truck so they can use them on salable items.


As far as people calling everything scripted, they interview the people constantly in the show, as they do that they take notes and write down what is being said and after everything is over they put their words on Q Cards, sit them down in a calm setting allow them to tell the story there as they are instructed to put the emotion in it to sell the story and promote the feeling of the event into the audience.


So it is a little acting, allot of reality and allot of legal paperwork to be signed.


Then you got shows like Pawn Stars that starts out pretty real then Production decides to use it to get other shows started with PS as it's platform so it just becomes complete scripted crap and A&E who's only show that has any reality in it at all is Duck Dynasty where they sell all the others as reality and the only thing real about it at all is the company or people it involves exist honestly but the show it just complete Hollywood.


It really is a case of hit or miss at times but OKC has always been known for its racing scene out there and most people might say they never heard of it so it can't exist but if you're not into it then you really won't know much about it then. When I first moved to Kansas first thing some one told me was if I ever wanted to see some badass street racing I needed to go there and get in with the group that does it out there that even back then was claimed to be the fastest in the nation and I think I remember years back watching the NHRA on TV seeing Varely's gold car on there making a bi pass (One car on the track for a test hit) and he wasn't in the competition at all and they said he was just there to test the car and that paint job is pretty hard to mistake or forget.


I hope THIS answers your questions. Obviously most the people on this panel have no idea how the laws work or what a telephone pole looks like so I found it best to put it up to myself to explain a little from un-bias point of view that wasn't just looking to TV Show bash because their still mad some 19 year old kid beat them in a drag race once and now it has to be anyone elses fault who as ever crossed a finish line first because these poor people couldn't even get the first 60 feet down the track.

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