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I gotta boo-boo!

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Is it just me and getting my big butt in and out of the car or has anyone else nicked their knee on the door speaker? Seems like I do it 3-4 times every summer--as soon as I start wearing shorts. That speaker grill is like a cheese grater! Rips the skin off my knee like serious road rash! Anyone else have this problem? I'm about ready to take some sand paper to that thing, but I don't want to ruin it!


Rant over!


On the other hand, drove it on vacation to Myrtle Beach, lost count of how many adults and children comment "cool car" "Love the car" "Look at that car"........kind of makes me forget about the knee!

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Simply use black tape over the area where you rub your knee, or wear a knee pad....lol


Well, it's better than getting "snake bitten". Those with Cobra roadsters or a Daytona Coupe know what I'm talking about. Got "bitten" by a Daytona Coupe once !

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Is it just me and getting my big butt in and out of the car or has anyone else nicked their knee on the door speaker?



I keep dragging my damn SHOE across it. Just the outside edge of my Sneaker, which puts a (thick) Sharpie size mar across the grill, from about 2 o'clock to 8 o'clock.


Or I overcompensate and drag my shoe across the door sill plate.


Either one PISSES ME OFF.




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