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Well if any team shelby members on SI you will be graced with my presence. It Was not by choice the wife and I are done. As most on here know my situation my marriage should have never happened. I was on my way down for a big mental crash. We will leave it at my mother inlaw verbally attacking me and my house having a fire which would have had ended my life. But my mother inlaw did the worst damage she took my shelby and stuck in the garage under the kitchen fire with the windows down. Then telling me she was doing me a favor in doing it. The fire melted the plastic pipes just missing my fiberglass hood and we all now what would have happened.So as Mr. Wicked knows about me is that I will bend backwards for a good soul. But cross me and it will be the worst thing ever cause I am the type that will bite my own nose off to cause you great pain. It could be years before repayment comes !! Not physical my mother inlaw is retiring from a big company by next year. I see her on unemployment plus my dear monster inlaw had a her rental home burn to the ground. She then bought a nice home in Costa rica the fire investigator was very pleased with the info supplied. I was also desrespected by the town police and served an order of protection on 9/11. Why you say?? the wife is dancing with a boy in blue. I even had a town sgt poke me trying to scare me. He said next time he comes back he will poke me harder I said make sure you bring a lot of cops with you. They did call my dept and spoke to a chief that knows me well he told my friend that he poked me. He said you are lucky he wasn't lieing about taking his meds. He would have destroyed you and your partner in a blink. But the worst of all is that for 5yrs I have a sleep and have been wide awake after the fire. I started taking my own meds the wife use to give it to me to make sure it was taken. But for some strange reason after a couple of days of me taking my own meds. I have became my old self as Mr.Wicked has agreed upon no more slurring no more 4hr naps no more confusion. Even my 5yr old pointed it out to me by saying to me in front of my wife. Daddy your no more sleepy anymore yes thats made the wife angry. I also found out being awake my money fund was closed 100,000.00 missing. She has never paid off any of my credit cards and in my bank account had 90,000. I am negative in cash and homeless well almost staying at moms but she is angry. She has given us over a 100,000.00 and nothing to show for it. Now I must ask her for 5 grand to hire a lawyer. Marriage is hell and war is ugly !! She thinks I will have no right to ever see my daughter again even serial killers have rights. The other strange thing is my wife parents got divorced when she was 5 yrs old. The father never to be heared from and my daughter just turned 5yrs old just luck or a plan and nanna and mommy raises the child.

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Thanks as always guys. The sad part is my daughter I won't put it passed my wife telling her that daddy's dead.

I know there is other cops on here and we cops get a bad rap for being cheaters and drunks. I am neither my dad was heavy handed. So with my family and my daughter I was very easy going. Plus being ill and drugged all the time gave my wife the freedom to destroy me. I will what the judge will say about her drugging me. If you guys know what sequoul is you will see it comes as a tiny pill. It is easily swallowed with other pills and u would never have known. I caught her doing it to me 2x. I was supposed to go to Mr. Wicked event and the wife got me the night before. I was emailing and texting Mr wicked and he couldn't understand me. Just like on here in the past Son of Gt has decoded my post for me numerous times. But here I am taking the same meds and wide awake. Scary shit !!

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Well if any team shelby members on SI you will be graced with my presence. It Was not by choice the wife and I are done. As most on here know my situation my marriage should have never happened. I was on my way down for a big mental crash. We will leave it at my mother inlaw verbally attacking me and my house having a fire which would have had ended my life. But my mother inlaw did the worst damage she took my shelby and stuck in the garage under the kitchen fire with the windows down. Then telling me she was doing me a favor in doing it. The fire melted the plastic pipes just missing my fiberglass hood and we all now what would have happened.So as Mr. Wicked knows about me is that I will bend backwards for a good soul. But cross me and it will be the worst thing ever cause I am the type that will bite my own nose off to cause you great pain. It could be years before repayment comes !! Not physical my mother inlaw is retiring from a big company by next year. I see her on unemployment plus my dear monster inlaw had a her rental home burn to the ground. She then bought a nice home in Costa rica the fire investigator was very pleased with the info supplied. I was also desrespected by the town police and served an order of protection on 9/11. Why you say?? the wife is dancing with a boy in blue. I even had a town sgt poke me trying to scare me. He said next time he comes back he will poke me harder I said make sure you bring a lot of cops with you. They did call my dept and spoke to a chief that knows me well he told my friend that he poked me. He said you are lucky he wasn't lieing about taking his meds. He would have destroyed you and your partner in a blink. But the worst of all is that for 5yrs I have a sleep and have been wide awake after the fire. I started taking my own meds the wife use to give it to me to make sure it was taken. But for some strange reason after a couple of days of me taking my own meds. I have became my old self as Mr.Wicked has agreed upon no more slurring no more 4hr naps no more confusion. Even my 5yr old pointed it out to me by saying to me in front of my wife. Daddy your no more sleepy anymore yes thats made the wife angry. I also found out being awake my money fund was closed 100,000.00 missing. She has never paid off any of my credit cards and in my bank account had 90,000. I am negative in cash and homeless well almost staying at moms but she is angry. She has given us over a 100,000.00 and nothing to show for it. Now I must ask her for 5 grand to hire a lawyer. Marriage is hell and war is ugly !! She thinks I will have no right to ever see my daughter again even serial killers have rights. The other strange thing is my wife parents got divorced when she was 5 yrs old. The father never to be heared from and my daughter just turned 5yrs old just luck or a plan and nanna and mommy raises the child.




Wow Racer so sorry about this...prayers and thoughts go out to you..hope things turn around for you even as dark as


it may be in your life right now it will get better I'm sure...take care bud.

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Wow Racer so sorry about this...prayers and thoughts go out to you..hope things turn around for you even as dark as


it may be in your life right now it will get better I'm sure...take care bud.


Racer - I hope you reach out for some help. There are many agencies available, I'm sure.


This sounds like a nightmare.


Try to regroup and get some support, bro.


Keep us updated.



Thanks again guys for your wishes !!! I was planning on stepping out of my marriage we have discussed on here before it was dead in the water. She thinks that she will sit back and collect alimony she does not realize that when you are mentally ill you cant be put out on the street like a dog. But what I laugh at is she thinks she is still entitled to a share of my disability insurance. But she is not we were getting an extra 1000.00 for the wife to stay home and take care of me and are daughter. Now, I am out she is not entitled to the money my pension is only 2100.00 a month and I dont see the judge telling me to go out a get a high paying job for the misses.

But this is the stuff that gets me pissed as far as it goes being a man !! When it comes to divorce the man has very little rights and it kills me. This is my 2nd marriage the 1st was the wife fault. She wanted to get married and thought marriage meant its party time.

I pay my 1st wife 200.00 out of my pension cause the judge said your a man and men have to pay something to the exwife. After my 1st divorce I was so shock over hearing other divorce cases. That I started reading cases and even sitting in bronx family court and everytime the man was slammed to the point of tears. One lawyer pleaded with the judge that if her client paid the said amount he will owe money and be left with no cash to live on. The judge said he can get 2 or 3 jobs but if your a cop your only allowed to do 20hrs a week if you get caught working off the books you are screwed. I heard a cases where the wife was caught cheating on the husband he had proof from a private investigator. The judge could not care no children involved he still had to pay her alimony. Then you wonder why you hear ex husbands killing their exwives !!! I just read a case online about an exwife of a man who took her exhusband back to family court after 20yrs. She refused alimony she had a great business at the time. Now her business went under so she looking for her ex to start paying and the court are entertaining it. Lets see a man try that move you would be laughed out of court. Even better now the woman of america what a new type of man payment !! If you are engaged to be married and your man walks off for whatever reason you cantake him to court. For maintence and pain and suffering !!

Women wanted equal rights they banned together and got it !! Now they have their cake and eat yours too !! Why dont men bann together and get there own cake but it will never happen !! Men of today are scared to take on Woman power !! Woman make up 42% of are work force and female bosses are the most aggressive type. But until they end up in divorce court they play into the whole act of being bullied by the husband and he is evil. The judge right off the bat has an aggressive approach to the husband but the wife he comforts. Thats why whenever you hear of a man winning in divorce court it makes the news. More so with famous people!!!

I had a coworker would was a straight arrow he divorced his wife do to her being a drunk he did his best to hep her. But she endangered his employment as a cop. He tried to get custody of his 3 kids the judge said no just because she has a drinking problem does not make her a bad mother. Within a year she had 3 DWI's all 3 x's with the kids in the car the judge still said no to custody !! Till the 4 DWI she drove thru a store front with the kids in the car. He got temporay custody with a stern warning from the judge that if one error happens mom gets the kids back.

Had two sgt's husband & wife get divorced same pension same time on the job no kids but the judge felt he should give the wife a 1/3 of his pension. Just for the sake of the wife !! No lie she said I don't want it the judge said to her you have no choice woman always get something if not all. Being a cop is even worse in divorce court your automatically guilty !!! My Sgt @ LTs and chiefs that knew me well was shocked when they saw a wedding ring on my finger. Thats when they had me dragged down to the dept shrink cause the real me would have never gotten married !!! I usually last from 6months to 3yrs with a girlfriend and the L word very rare to come out of my mouth.

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Thanks as always guys. The sad part is my daughter I won't put it passed my wife telling her that daddy's dead.

I know there is other cops on here and we cops get a bad rap for being cheaters and drunks. I am neither my dad was heavy handed. So with my family and my daughter I was very easy going. Plus being ill and drugged all the time gave my wife the freedom to destroy me. I will what the judge will say about her drugging me. If you guys know what sequoul is you will see it comes as a tiny pill. It is easily swallowed with other pills and u would never have known. I caught her doing it to me 2x. I was supposed to go to Mr. Wicked event and the wife got me the night before. I was emailing and texting Mr wicked and he couldn't understand me. Just like on here in the past Son of Gt has decoded my post for me numerous times. But here I am taking the same meds and wide awake. Scary shit !!

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I tried looking up that drug and nothing comes up by that name. Sequoul?



here you go


Seroquel (quetiapine) is an antipsychotic medicine. It works by changing the actions of chemicals in the brain.

Seroquel is used to treat schizophrenia in adults and children who are at least 13 years old. It is also used to treat bipolar disorder (manic depression) in adults and children who are at least 10 years old.

Seroquel is also used together with antidepressant medications to treat major depressive disorder in adults.

Extended-release quetiapine (Seroquel XR) is for use only in adults and should not be given to anyone younger than 18 years old


Never take Seroquel in larger amounts, or for longer than recommended by your doctor. High doses or long-term use of Seroquel can cause a serious movement disorder that may not be reversible. Symptoms of this disorder include tremors or other uncontrollable muscle movements. Seroquel is not for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. Seroquel may cause heart failure, sudden death, or pneumonia in older adults with dementia-related conditions. Stop using Seroquel and call your doctor at once if you have the following symptoms: very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, confusion, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, uncontrolled muscle movements, feeling light-headed, blurred vision, eye pain, increased thirst and urination, excessive hunger, fruity breath odor, weakness, nausea and vomiting.


Video: Treatment for Depression



Treatments for depression are getting better everyday and there are things you can start doing right away.

Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.

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Seroquel is gamble to take but I only take in only when there is no other option it knocks me out for days and when you wake up you have a hangover. I have pop 4 at a time and your talking for me at 275 wght it would take a crane to get me up.


Today was a horrible day !!! Depression is a roller coaster and today I had my doctor calling my dept my mom my future exwife trying to find me. I flipped out my ex will not let me speak to my kid. Plus I found out she had a scottrade account and thats where my missing 65,000.00 went and lost it. Also I did not read the bullshit order of protection closely my wife stated I verbally abuse my daughter. Which is lieing again hoping I will never get to see my kid again.

I had a meltdown on the phone with my doctor he was trying to convince me to check back into the hospital. I lost it on him !! Its hard for a person like myself who has total control of myself and never shows any emotion or flintches in even the worst situations.

To a basket case its like on the show Friends when bruce willis was on there and jennifer aston got him to breakdown and cry and he couldn't stop crying. Funny in way but sad in the other way !!

Either way Depression is a battle and most suicide happen in a blink all you need is something to set off a major event.

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Sorry about your situation. Keep heading in the right direction and stay cool - if it gets too hot call Cop to Cop.



Maybe in NJ cops care to help fellow cops in NY its cut throat. I did reach out to one cop help line and it was a joke.

In NYPD if cops smell blood they will attack you !! and me with my rep of being a crazy one man army they would have gone wild on me.

Sad but true

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Ant, That's sad. You know our thoughts are with you and will do what we can. I had recommended our line to others and got good feed back on it. Very sad to hear that the cut throat act is active in your force (We always have a few "and what days off did he have"), but didn't seem to be that bad. Hang in there - it will get better.

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Ant, That's sad. You know our thoughts are with you and will do what we can. I had recommended our line to others and got good feed back on it. Very sad to hear that the cut throat act is active in your force (We always have a few "and what days off did he have"), but didn't seem to be that bad. Hang in there - it will get better.



I have my support team of 2 doctors and my high school sweet heart !!as far as family their is none and mom is a money hoarder. I am sure if my butt ends up in jail she would not even bail me out.I do have siblings and aunts and uncle plus cousins but they are just out for themselves I really don't care about the money its more of being able to see my kid.

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