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The Shelby Forged Wheel Pre-Order Program is OVER!


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We'll be shutting down the pre-order program soon - we're just about sold out.

There MAY be a few more deposit positions available, could be minutes, could be hours.


It's the last run. This Pre-Order is the only way to get yourself on the list.






Thanks, everyone, for your support of this special project celebrating Fifty Years of Shelby American!




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There are just so many seats on the airplane. When they are all sold the plane is full. The airline may choose to overbook with the understanding that some passengers may be bumped but also that some of the original passengers might not show up and some standby passengers might get a seat. When the plane leaves the gate it's over.


"n" wheels, "n + a few orders". early bookers and early payers get theirs. Some might inherit a cancellation. But when the plane is full...

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There are just so many seats on the airplane. When they are all sold the plane is full. The airline may choose to overbook with the understanding that some passengers may be bumped but also that some of the original passengers might not show up and some standby passengers might get a seat. When the plane leaves the gate it's over.


"n" wheels, "n + a few orders". early bookers and early payers get theirs. Some might inherit a cancellation. But when the plane is full...



"Mr. Madison, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Thats how I feel about that analogy

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"Mr. Madison, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Thats how I feel about that analogy



I literally just laughed my ass off lol.

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I actually thought it was a good analogy. I believe I saw a post that said vendors were also being allowed to pre-order the wheels too. That would mean that there may be some more available from vendors once the wheels are delivered. However, Jer and SAI did make it clear that it was going to be a very limited production run. But it sounds like the number of wheels that were allocated for production are now spoken for, by individuals and/or vendors... Snooze ya lose.


Oh, and in defense of twobjshelbys, you didn't specifically targt the question to Jer. You posted it on an open forum and someone with possibly some knowledge you didnt have answered... that's kind of the idea of a forum. If you don't want others to chime in, then send Jer a private message with the question. Dont bash a fellow forum member for trying to answer a question you didn't know the answer to... Have a nice day!

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I actually thought it was a good analogy. I believe I saw a post that said vendors were also being allowed to pre-order the wheels too. That would mean that there may be some more available from vendors once the wheels are delivered. However, Jer and SAI did make it clear that it was going to be a very limited production run. But it sounds like the number of wheels that were allocated for production are now spoken for, by individuals and/or vendors... Snooze ya lose.


Oh, and in defense of twobjshelbys, you didn't specifically targt the question to Jer. You posted it on an open forum and someone with possibly some knowledge you didnt have answered... that's kind of the idea of a forum. If you don't want others to chime in, then send Jer a private message with the question. Dont bash a fellow forum member for trying to answer a question you didn't know the answer to... Have a nice day!



Wasnt bashing him.


His response was one that you would give to a freshman at votech on his first day of class. I understand how supply and demand works. But I also understand how sales work. It is Jer's job to sell the wheels. It is his job to influence people into purchasing the wheels in a fashion that they know how many they need to make for pre production and post production sales.


I felt as if the original post came off as condescending and meaningless. Without knowing the amount of wheels that were available for preorder his comment is deemed usless.

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Not to choose sides in this "argument", but that's it exactly.

The pre-order is to ensure you get a "seat on the plane".

There are dealers who have bought "seats on the plane" and will be offering them for resale. (Not many, to be fair - the customers responded before the dealers did, so I figured "first come, first served", and sold wheels to the people who put their deposits in.

We WILL have cancellations, and more people may get a chance to buy them.


BTW, the only difference is that we did NOT "overbook". No one who has put a deposit down will get "bumped". I could technically take more deposits and hope some people cancel. But that is not ethical in my book, so that's all the "seats" I'm comfortable pre-selling right now. I'm dedicated to keeping my promises to you all. If I get cancellations, we'll gather 'em up and sell them later. But NOT "in advance speculation", that's lame.


SO: The end of the pre-order doesn't mean you won't get a chance to buy 'em, just means I'm past where I can "guarantee" it.




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Double post. OOps!

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Not to choose sides in this "argument", but that's it exactly.

The pre-order is to ensure you get a "seat on the plane".

There are dealers who have bought "seats on the plane" and will be offering them for resale.

We WILL have cancellations, and more people may get a chance to buy them.


But that's all the "seats" I'm comfortable pre-selling right now.


Doesn't mean you won't get a chance to buy 'em, just means I'm past where I can "guarantee" it.






Thanks JER!


Ill take my chances and call that sales bluff.

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Thanks JER!


Ill take my chances and call that sales bluff.









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Sorry, I am just a little butt hurt right now.


I am not in my right mind.



Well, if you read my post, you'll see that I have no priority above that of treating people fairly and doing what's right. That's all.




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Will these wheels fit on a Ford GT? They are awesome looking and maybe would be a good backup to the now extinct bbs wheels.


Ya know, Tony, I have NO IDEA. I'll look into it.



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The Pre-Order Program is now officially SOLD OUT.


Thanks, everyone!




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wow....only 5 days and done!



Four, actually... I just had a few "stragglers" I was able to add last night!




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Ya know, Tony, I have NO IDEA. I'll look into it.





I looked into it, and the Production people said the offset would most likely NOT work for your car.



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