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Who is dumping stocks tomorrow?

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At 62, I'm not going to ride this one to the bottom again. Before the opening bell, I've got the sell order in for everything. We are just back from 2008 and 2009 because we took the "experts" advise to hold. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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At 62, I'm not going to ride this one to the bottom again. Before the opening bell, I've got the sell order in for everything. We are just back from 2008 and 2009 because we took the "experts" advise to hold. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.



I'd wait to see how the futures look tomorrow morning before making any decisions on dumping your whole portfolio.

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I'm usually cautious and ride these bumps out. Unfortunately, all of the fundamental economic indicators are tanked. Most should know that Moody's took the easy way out and should have downgraded. They will downgrade next time as nothing will be done to control the spending in real terms. (not blaming anyone, it is a congressional issue, not a political party issue) Most layoff anouncements in July in the last 16 months. Commodity prices have not been curtailed nor is there anything that will curtail them for the remainder of the year.


I really doubt the market will be going up significantly in the next 60-90 days. If it stabilizes, I can always buy back in.


Perspective for the average person changes with age. I'd rather error on the part of missing the upside at this point than to be deep in the downside like 2008.

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Not something I have to worry about. I had my retirement portfolio 100% in AT&T and Lucent as they matched me at 50% for stock. All my eggs in one basket and the basket was ripped from my hands, thrown to the ground and stomped on by both the bull and the bear in a giant party. :hysterical: Oh, to be young and dumb......:doh:

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I bought heavily into Canadian Equity, against all others advice for years. During 2008, 2009 I bought more. Others had funds in the U.S. I transferred my Cn. Equity months ago into the Canadian Bond market. :happy feet:

We were also told months ago to stay away from the U.S. Equity shares.

I suggest you buy Bonds. Wait it out. Age 62 is not too late.

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I bought heavily into Canadian Equity, against all others advice for years. During 2008, 2009 I bought more. Others had funds in the U.S. I transferred my Cn. Equity months ago into the Canadian Bond market. :happy feet:

We were also told months ago to stay away from the U.S. Equity shares.

I suggest you buy Bonds. Wait it out. Age 62 is not too late.


Agreed, I turn 40 next month and have 87% of my funds in bonds. 3-5% is much better than the risk of losing money.

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At 62, I'm not going to ride this one to the bottom again. Before the opening bell, I've got the sell order in for everything. We are just back from 2008 and 2009 because we took the "experts" advise to hold. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Right now it is droping because of the Dept Ceiling Increase and the Lower Credit Grade.........................in a few Weeks all that will be in the past and the Stocks will rise again, wait until then..............

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It is impossible to time the market, I have a portfolio that is 60 percent in bonds and 40 percent in stocks, I have lost about 10 K in my IRA in the last couple of weeks. The closer to retirement the more you should dial back your investments if you need fixed income. At 59 I am going to go to 75/25


Man people are going to cash, but there is no dividend in cash.............. GG

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I've been over 70% cash for awhile, so this recent action hasnt hurt me too much. The 30% I have in stocks and gold is going to stay there for the long term.


I'm going to wait out the crashing for a couple of months then buy more stocks, but they will be of the "defensive" sort. There are going to be some real bargains out there.


The stock market is a funny thing. Historically when everyone else is selling, you should be thinking about buying. However, when I'm 62, I will probably not be in stocks any longer.

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Thought this was interesting.....per the WSJ....


The price of gold is at parity with sister metal platinum for the first time since the end of 2008, as the yellow metal's value soars to new record highs.


Spot gold reached parity with platinum as it rallied to an all-time high of $1,715.29 a troy ounce on Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. government's debt rating, which amplified investor jitters over the global economic outlook. Spot platinum—although still trading marginally higher on the day—meanwhile fell as low as $1,703 an ounce, as fears over demand for the industry-linked metal kept its spot price under pressure.

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I was gonna move my stuff into something safer a couple weeks ago when all this crap was going on...........................I'm kick'n myself now, I'll have to ride this one out.

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I was lucky enough to have a high school history teacher that cared more about the stocks than history so that's all we learned for 2 years. So far its paid off for me. I sold everything before the last drop and went to bonds. I've been waiting for a second dip b4 I get back in. This may be what I've been waiting for. Hope everyone does ok this week


Like It was said. Its just a paper loss untill you sell. Keep ur heads up

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Down 632 pts at close............ :hammer_self: , now I gotta work another ten years.

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Okay I just logged into my etrade account and I am severely freaking out. I could choke my buddy who told me to buy MTG right now its worth $1.89 and I bought it with an average price of $9.00 a share and I invested in several thousand shares of it. NEVER TAKE ADVISE FROM A FRIEND on investing.......This really suckssssss. I also bought Ford when it was $11.15 and now its $9.93 Thank GOD I only bought 50 shares of it.


Okay this is a buyers market I might take my STASH cash and buy some Ford Stock to make up for my loss.

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