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TS Virus????


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On September 18, 2010 a thread was started over at fordgt500.com advising of a virus on Team Shelby. I haven't had any issues... I see that many others have visited and posted over the past two days without any problems, so what's the deal?


Here's the link to the aforementioned thread: http://www.fordgt500.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7440

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There is no virus!


However for some reason Google has marked the forums as a source of "Malware" which is different! Not good, but different!


Anyway, not sure what was done to the site to get Google's checking system to flag the site, might have something to do with software that was installed, an ad-link that was placed, etc.


I'm sure Robert is looking into it. As things stand now I can't post to the site unless I use FireFox. Both Safari and Chrome throw up alerts and it's a cycle you soon grow tired of.


See these threads:




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I didnt get a nice feeling there, its not some place I would loiter when I'm on the net, I dont think.



Some there apparently don't think we're friendly :(

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There's an open-x exploit that has hit the ad servers used by many websites. My Kaspersky internet security intercepted and disinfected a very dangerous trojan file that was waiting in the background to cause problems when I came here a few days ago. The warning is very real and the virus you can get from it can result in a tremendous headache. This has been a problem on several websites and is not something unique to Team Shelby. The virus/malware is hidden in advertising code. The warning is not generated unless there's a problem, and YES there was a problem. It would be VERY unwise to brush it off and ignore it. Make sure if you are a PC user that you have proper protection in place and that it is up-to-date. This same problem hit The Corral and several people lost everything on their hard drives, as this is a VERY nasty virus that can be nearly impossible to remove.

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I'm having no problems on my iPhone but my Mac laptop and PC desktop is telling to stay away.

This is a problem that will turn many people away from this great forum I'd something is not resolved soon, I mean if you were a new person coming here to TS and saw a warming you still press on to go in it?

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yes i have had a number of problems over the past 4/5 days. The malware warning comes and I am sure it infected my computer as is keeps going to a blue screen warning and shutting down. Have my IT guy coming in to fix the mess. I also sent an email to the moderator on the weekend to advise of the problem. So far today it is not an issue. So I assume the problem has been fixed.

what a PITA!!!

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I have a trojan horse and some other stuff I don't know unfortunately. McAfee on my computer can't fix it so I'll need to call them soon, it is still working though.

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