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Happy 16th Birthday 96 Black Pony

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Looks like we got a new driver out on the streets!! Learn to drive fast, then driving normal will be a piece of cake!! :hysterical:


Oops, maybe you should disregard that piece of advice. Although I did have a crazy little italian driver's ed. teacher that told us if we learned to drive drunk, we would be much better drivers sober. :hysterical: He also would have us drive up and down the "street walker" hangout, which at the time was a road called Cherry Street. Im not making this stuff up, this guy was crazy!!! HE would hang out of the car yelling at the "girls" as we drove him by, and he was at least 70 yrs old at the time. RIP Mr. Rivela. Those were defintiely different times.



Happy Birthday David! :salute:

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Happy Birthday David! It just like a loving Father to post up "Sweet 16" in rhinestones for his boy. :hysterical:


Be safe, and remeber to never do anything you don't want dear'ol dad reading about in the paper the next day. But, if you do you might as well do it twice! :party:

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David, although I don't know you personally...I feel like I know of you pretty well from proud papas postings. I was never lucky enough to have a car bought for me from my folks, as my Mom was a struggling single Mom. Your car is beautiful man! Several years back I had the chance to buy a NEW '96 Cobra from the original owner...Laser Red...car had about 1400 miles on it in 2004. My point is that although I have had alot of cars in my lifetime, in 1996 I was not in a financial position to be able to buy a new Cobra. So at about 43 years old I finally got my NEW Cobra! It was a very fast car!! The '96 you have there is also a very fast car. I will pass on to you what my Grandpop always told me. He was my mentor in life, and a hardcore car guy. Respect all of your machinery! Respect what it can do and how it can get you into trouble. Keep that in the back of your mind at all times and you will be a safer driver. I know as Dad is an obvious car guy too, he has had this talk already with you. Your generation is benefiting not only from the age of parents wanting more for their children, but the fact that this Mustang is built in a day and age when cars are much safer to drive. Be careful. Have fun, and enjoy your teen years! Happy Birthday.


BIKEBOY (Grasshopper)

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Happy 16th Birthday!!!


I too had a Mustang when I was in High School, and like others have said... it's an awesome responsibility. But your parents have done a great job and you're up for the challenge! Enjoy each day of this time in your life as they pass in the blink of an eye.




You and your wife are also to be congratulated for raising such a fine son! I know David will help make this world a better place, and that's a tribute to your hard work..

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Happy birthday.


The advice about learning to drive fast and the rest will come easy is a good one. It's not about going fast, it's learning all the other stuff that goes with it, most important of which is "situational awareness". It can't be taught, only learned, and it takes a while. As you learn it your confidence will increase and then the speed will too. Don't be tempted.


Remember, the place to go fast is on the track!!!


Rob, you gonna send him to one of the driving schools? I think you both should drive your cars to Salt Lake and take the Miller Motorsports class. Together.


Beware, he might wup your a**. Us old guys' reaction times get slower. That's why in the old days people our age drove big boat Cadillac and Lincoln MarkIVs.

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