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I got a call this afternoon from the City of Odessa Human Resources department, and they want to hire me for an IT position with the City! FINALLY! A new job! 17 months of unemployment has been awful...I am so ready to get back to work...Thank God I was able to survive this without having to sell off my Shelby or my motorcycle...Now to start saving up for that Supercharger!!!

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That is great news! And you have your priorities straight with your thought of saving for a supercharger. 17 months is a long, long time and it sounds like this position is one you covet and will enjoy. Congratulations.



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Congrats Sir. It's a tough market right now an a lot of folks are on the hunt for a job. A few folks near me in SE Pa have found work but it is in Virginia and NYC. They are renting cheap apts for monday thru thursday and come home on the weekends. Way to stick with it.

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Woot! That is terrific news. I know I was unemployed for 5 months and drove my now ex-wife crazy, one of the worst times of my life. Enjoy your employment, I know I feel more lucky everytime I turn on the news and see the unemployment woes. Sounds like it's beer thirty for someone beerchug.gif



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I got a call this afternoon from the City of Odessa Human Resources department, and they want to hire me for an IT position with the City! FINALLY! A new job! 17 months of unemployment has been awful...I am so ready to get back to work...Thank God I was able to survive this without having to sell off my Shelby or my motorcycle...Now to start saving up for that Supercharger!!!



:happy feet: Good for you Motorjock!!!


Don't forget about your friends here though! Save time to check in periodically. Congrats!!



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I got a call this afternoon from the City of Odessa Human Resources department, and they want to hire me for an IT position with the City! FINALLY! A new job! 17 months of unemployment has been awful...I am so ready to get back to work...Thank God I was able to survive this without having to sell off my Shelby or my motorcycle...Now to start saving up for that Supercharger!!!






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I got a call this afternoon from the City of Odessa Human Resources department, and they want to hire me for an IT position with the City! FINALLY! A new job! 17 months of unemployment has been awful...I am so ready to get back to work...Thank God I was able to survive this without having to sell off my Shelby or my motorcycle...Now to start saving up for that Supercharger!!!



Congrat's on the honest job the Family will miss you !! My uncle is having your shovel Bronzed :hysterical:

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That's fantastic news! Best of luck with the new job!


I've been unemployed for 2yrs, after being laid-off from my IT job of 24 years, so I know the pain first hand. I finish school after this semester, so hopefully it will help.


Again, Congrats!!

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I got a call this afternoon from the City of Odessa Human Resources department, and they want to hire me for an IT position with the City! FINALLY! A new job! 17 months of unemployment has been awful...I am so ready to get back to work...Thank God I was able to survive this without having to sell off my Shelby or my motorcycle...Now to start saving up for that Supercharger!!!


Carl, that is fantastic news. Congratulations! Craig :happy feet:

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