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This is an idea that I became this morning; I thought about asking the responsibles of the Shelby Store to do a SHELBY iphone case/skin. It would be great to have an iphone case in the same colors and even with the logos of our dreamcars...( ShelbyGT, GT500, Supersnakes, KR, Terlingua....and and and... .It should be possible to do this in reasonable conditions. I don't know how many of theTS Members owns an iphone, and how many of you would buy a Shelby case, but I think why not trying to get your feedbacks and your opinons. I think there will be a big number of Shelby fans out there (even if they do not own Shelby cars) in the world owning an iphone, and they would buy a cool case.


I am not a great designer and don't have the real program, but this is an example for what I thought about... :salute:


Greetings from Luxembourg

Sans titre.jpg

Sans titre.jpg

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This is an idea that I became this morning; I thought about asking the responsibles of the Shelby Store to do a SHELBY iphone case/skin. It would be great to have an iphone case in the same colors and even with the logos of our dreamcars...( ShelbyGT, GT500, Supersnakes, KR, Terlingua....and and and... .It should be possible to do this in reasonable conditions. I don't know how many of theTS Members owns an iphone, and how many of you would buy a Shelby case, but I think why not trying to get your feedbacks and your opinons. I think there will be a big number of Shelby fans out there (even if they do not own Shelby cars) in the world owning an iphone, and they would buy a cool case.


I am not a great designer and don't have the real program, but this is an example for what I thought about... :salute:


Greetings from Luxembourg



Dam, I thought everyone already had one! :headscratch:


This is the Cobra from the "Red Stripe" floor mats. This is on my iPhone but they do support quite a few more brands/models. Link below.

iPhone Zagg Skin_800x599.jpg


Here is a link for the Zagg skins. If I recall the skins are about $20 and you can use your own picture; put your whole car there if you want.



Good Luck!

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This is an idea that I became this morning; I thought about asking the responsibles of the Shelby Store to do a SHELBY iphone case/skin. It would be great to have an iphone case in the same colors and even with the logos of our dreamcars...( ShelbyGT, GT500, Supersnakes, KR, Terlingua....and and and... .It should be possible to do this in reasonable conditions. I don't know how many of theTS Members owns an iphone, and how many of you would buy a Shelby case, but I think why not trying to get your feedbacks and your opinons. I think there will be a big number of Shelby fans out there (even if they do not own Shelby cars) in the world owning an iphone, and they would buy a cool case.


I am not a great designer and don't have the real program, but this is an example for what I thought about... :salute:


Greetings from Luxembourg



Sign me up; I'd buy one too!

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I would buy one as well as long as it's a case made from quality materials. I currently have a carbon fiber case that set me back $100. Expensive yes, but it the case is nearly indistructable.


Hell, I would buy one any way just to have one.

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As long as the price stays along the price of regular cases please sign me up for one also....you know what would be cool a brushed aluminum one with maybe CS stamped on it or a snake, talk about indestructible :dance:


Well, there is the skin it thing but I just don't like the fact that I have to stick the sticker on my I-phone :redcard:


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This is an idea that I became this morning; I thought about asking the responsibles of the Shelby Store to do a SHELBY iphone case/skin. It would be great to have an iphone case in the same colors and even with the logos of our dreamcars...( ShelbyGT, GT500, Supersnakes, KR, Terlingua....and and and... .It should be possible to do this in reasonable conditions. I don't know how many of theTS Members owns an iphone, and how many of you would buy a Shelby case, but I think why not trying to get your feedbacks and your opinons. I think there will be a big number of Shelby fans out there (even if they do not own Shelby cars) in the world owning an iphone, and they would buy a cool case.


I am not a great designer and don't have the real program, but this is an example for what I thought about... :salute:


Greetings from Luxembourg


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