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Rocktoberfest 2016 - Saturday, October 1st


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If you have previously been to Rocktoberfest, you should have received the below invitation directly from Hatfield Township, about a month ago. If so, this is your reminder that Rocktoberfest is NEXT SATURDAY!!!!

If you haven't been before, please accept this as your invitation to join us for the day!

You may recall that last tears event was cancelled due to an impending hurricane, and we were rained out the year before that as well, so please keep your fingers crossed for a nice day this upcoming Saturday.

Arrive as your schedule permits, but the earlier the better, in order to try and get all the Team Shelby cars parked together in one area.

Everyone who attends the show is invited to join us for dinner ("Dutch Treat"....if that's still a politically correct phrase), at the conclusion of the festivities. We will discuss dining options and locations at the show, and make a decision.

Here is the link to the registration page, which serves just as an FYI, as pre-registration is over at this point....http://www.hatfieldtownship.org/images/2016_-_Rocktoberfest_flyer__car_show.jpg

All the information you need is below.

Hope to see you there!


John S. Clemens Memorial Park
500 Fairgrounds Road
Hatfield, PA 19440

Vehicle check in 8:30-10:30 a.m
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Judging of Show
Awards Ceremony—2:45 p.m.

Live Music featuring "Flamin' Dick & the Hot Rods"

Opening Ceremonies by Scott France
~ Beer & Wine Garden Hosted by Hatfield American Legion Post 933 ~
~ Vintage Race Cars and more with the Hatfield Speedway Reunion ~
~ Scarecrow Making ~ Local Vendors ~ Kid's Attractions ~
~ Family Fun with Moon bounces, Crafts and much more!

Unique Rocktoberfest Trophies for the Top 25 Plus....
Peoples Choice, Commissioners Choice, Parks and Rec Board Choice, Best of Show
Dash Plaque for the first 150 registrants.

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2016 Rocktoberfest was a success. We managed to avoid the rain, and those folks who came out had a nice time hanging out in Clemens Park. There weren't an overwhelming amount of cars in attendance (understandable, give the overcast skies that lingered all day), but the show was a example of "quality" not "quantity". Team Shelby went home with three trophies, and bragging rights for next year.



















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