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T16 event thread!


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So, if anyone gets lost, needs info, caravan and even weather updates- let's use this here spot to carrier pigeon our messages.


I plan to come up Tuesday, arriving dinner time or so. Straight to Lajitas for me. We have much to do and prepare for this our biggest and best year yet!

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Utterly pissed I had to back out. Disappointed doesn't even scratch the surface.


Ya'll have fun, Ill be a rookie one day!!! lol


I feel your pain... many years I have wanted to make it and something ALWAYS gets in the way!

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Others are going to Alpine on Tuesday for a car show and BBQ (live band) with Dave Durant (The Stable Performance Cars), and then will drive down to Lajitas as a group on Wednesday.


I think Dave has a nicely priced block of rooms held at a local hotel in Alpine for Tuesday night.

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So much looking forward to seeing our friends and seeing new folks who will be friends!!!


Reine and I will be flying in Friday Sept 23 and around throughout. For those who are new, we lived in Terlingua the last 14 years and retain our Terlingua house for regular returns now that my job has taken me to Southest Sitka, Alaska.


I have lived in Terlingua on and off since 1985 and visited since 1979. I am the local and can answer many, perhaps most or all questions. Please feel free to email me with questions vorpl8@yahoo.com. Any board member can gladly help as well. www.terlinguapreservationsociety.com to see the board and event.


I am still wishing to hear from Texas Hold-em players for Thursday night - drop me an email so I know how many dealers to have. Shelby Asom Broso Tequila is top prize! Also, if you plan to make our BBQ lunch Sunday drop me a note to plan food.


The board will be bringing together our biggest and best event ever this year! See you soon!!





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Others are going to Alpine on Tuesday for a car show and BBQ (live band) with Dave Durant (The Stable Performance Cars), and then will drive down to Lajitas as a group on Wednesday.


I think Dave has a nicely priced block of rooms held at a local hotel in Alpine for Tuesday night.


Thanks Pat!!


Way to go Dave Durant!


For all in Alpine Wednesday night, check your event schedule for the meeting time for the Thursday morning Big Bend National Park meetup and drive, includes all fees and event paid lunch. For more info catch Warren Faris.





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We had a blast this morning/afternoon driving the local kids through slalom & drag! Lots of smiles & we received a "thank you" each and every time we took a passenger, without fail. It was awesome to see how many drivers gave rides ??? honestly, good times had by all! Kenny & Kim

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We will try soon. Many pics on FB, but internet and connectivity down here is pretty slow for loading pics and linking them. Can say it has been one of the best events yet to date. There will be also some overhead drone video of a certain blue Cobra spinning out on the autocross taking out a finish line flag! (minor paint blemish, no harm done!)

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16H0099 has been returned to DFW and I have some time in the airport with good internet. Here are some of my pics.


Three generations of Terlinguas!



Bugged Bunny:






Picking up 16H0099 from DFW



At the Stable:





Yellow Super Snake:






Shelby 1000!


















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Thanks for sharing. Where is Ms Amy B.?

Amy was there at every function. I don't think I took any pictures with her and Alex's big purple Terlingua van which she came in with. I'm sure there are many more coming.

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Jeff and Carrie,


Just so good to see you both!! Thanks for posting.


ALL I was so happy to see our friends and to make new ones. Terlingua is a truly amazing event


I want to thank every last one of you who helped starting with the board members who do everything nd anything and then the participants who offer so much!


More to come at T17!


Oh and Fear the GY-001 Bunny!




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Sure sorry to miss this event. Reading the posts and seeing the photo's sure bring back memories. Hopefully next year.....




We certainly miss you! I was hoping to see you at Rally XI as well.


Next year you HAVE to come back!

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Sure sorry to miss this event. Reading the posts and seeing the photo's sure bring back memories. Hopefully next year.....


WE miss you so very much!!!! Hope we can see you next year my friend!





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