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Grinding In Reverse


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So I recently started having a random issue when I put the transmission into reverse it will grind. The pedal is pushed all the way down, and I have no issues with any other gears.


I started messing with it and was able to replicate the problem by putting the transmission in neutral at a stand still, let the clutch out, then push the clutch back in and attempt to put it in reverse...it will grind.


If I left the clutch out, push the clutch back in and put it in first (or any other gear) then immediately to reverse, it will go into gear smoothly and not grind.


Seems to be dependent on me letting the clutch out in neutral, then pushing the clutch in and attempting to put it into reverse.



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Its a 2012 and 25K miles...so it should be covered. I tried bringing it by today but they were all jammed up with customers. I'm going out of town next week so it'll be a week or so before I get it in...regardless I'll keep everyone posted what happens.

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Its a 2012 and 25K miles...so it should be covered. I tried bringing it by today but they were all jammed up with customers. I'm going out of town next week so it'll be a week or so before I get it in...regardless I'll keep everyone posted what happens.

Ya let the Ford dealer cover it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got called back from the dealer...finally got the car in. They are saying its the clutch is shot and whoever had the car before me (got it about 10 months ago) was dropping/riding the clutch.


One of the customer reps passed the words from the tech...he says it is a worn out clutch because when they put the car in gear (1st) with the clutch pushed down, the car moves a bit forward (dragging clutch?). Which by the way, I personally never noticed this. He said when you bring it out of first into neutral, release the clutch, push the clutch back back down and try to go to reverse, the transmission is still in the last gear you selected (1st).


What he is describing sounds like a dragging clutch...which does not mean a burnt out/worn out clutch from my basic understandings of transmissions.


Anyone have any input on this? I have NEVER have had any clutch issues/slippage/smell...the clutch holds very strong even when driving it hard/hard gear changes. The only issue I ever have had with the transmission or clutch is the problem I described above with reverse.

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Hi all, I had the same issue just like you described, very frustrating right. It's the synchro and reverse gear. First they said the same thing the clutch was bad, so they replaced it. Kept on having the issue, I even had a supervisor tell me that these cars did not have a reverse synchro, some hardline tech told me to shift into 2nd gear then reverse. That was odd, right! So I called tremec told them about my situation and what the dealer tech had suggested , he laughed and said there is no way you should be doing that. Take it back and tell them you spoke to tremec and to check the synchro and reverse gear but let them replace your clutch and flywheel , might as well. The dealer had my car for over a month parts were backed order . 13 Gt500 with 17k miles . Hope that helps good luck

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Hi all, I had the same issue just like you described, very frustrating right. It's the synchro and reverse gear. First they said the same thing the clutch was bad, so they replaced it. Kept on having the issue, I even had a supervisor tell me that these cars did not have a reverse synchro, some hardline tech told me to shift into 2nd gear then reverse. That was odd, right! So I called tremec told them about my situation and what the dealer tech had suggested , he laughed and said there is no way you should be doing that. Take it back and tell them you spoke to tremec and to check the synchro and reverse gear but let them replace your clutch and flywheel , might as well. The dealer had my car for over a month parts were backed order . 13 Gt500 with 17k miles . Hope that helps good luck


Did you actually replace the clutch? And still had the issue?


Did the car move forward with the clutch pushed in and going into first?

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Same issues you are having, dealer first replaced the clutch, flywheel , slave cylinder etc. after all that it was still grinding so the tech said "you have to shift into second then reverse" which didn't make sense to me but I went with it since it helped but after a month or so it really started to bother me since I paid 60k for this beautiful car so I made phone calls, Shelby am., ford, then tremec. They confirmed I did not have to shift into other gears, it helped but not nessesary. Called the dealer told them tremec laughed at them, they changed their attitude .gave me a rental 5.0 gt. boy what a difference but they checked the synchro and what do you know it was bad along with the reverse gear. Different tech of course, a month plus after my 13 Shelby is good as new. Good luck , keep us posted

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So I went by to talk directly to the Tech today and shit was just weird...didn't add up. He kept saying the clutch was "worn out" and when I told him it still grabs very strong with no slip he said that it could fail very soon.


That was the first thing that was odd...because when he was described the car rolling a bit forward when you put it in first with the clutch pushed in...that's sign of a dragging clutch...not a "worn out" clutch. The only reason you would replace a clutch if it was dragging, is if it was warped so bad that it was always in contact with the fly wheel. He never mentioned "warped" just "worn out".


When I asked to see the car "roll forward" when I put it in first...I couldn't duplicate it. The only thing it would do, is once in a while it would literally lean forward a millimeter or two when you put it in first...It wouldn't even roll the tires forward. Unless you're straining to look for it...you don't even notice it. From my limited experience with transmissions I thought that could just be the synchro slowing down the input shaft and taking some of that torque.


This is also where it got a little weird. When I told him to replicate it...I hopped out of the car (I had the door open this entire time to look at the ground)...he got in and closed the door. He tried it a few times...nothing happened...then he kept trying and after 10 or so times he got it to actually roll a centimeter forward. I thought it was odd he closed the door but not until after did I realize he might have been lifting the clutch up a little and letting it catch in first to get it to roll.


Because immediately after I hopped in the car and tried it again...and sure enough it did the same thing when I was first in it...it wouldn't roll at all...just maybe a small budge forward and that was it...not enough to roll the tires.




As I said before...if I put the car in neutral...let out the clutch...push in the clutch and go to reverse it grinds. But I noticed if I do the same thing...but push in the clutch and HOLD IT for 5+ seconds...and put it in reverse it goes in smoothly. If the clutch was dragging, it should continually be turning and no matter how long I waited it would grind. The fact that it will go in smoothly after a few seconds means the gears are spinning down...AKA not a dragging clutch.


Finally when I would question him about what some of the other issues that could cause a dragging clutch he couldn't really name any...he would just say "Well what else could be the issue?" and the fact that when I asked them what happens if I pay the $1800 to replace the clutch (Since the clutch is not under warranty since its a "wear" item)...and the issue is still there...what are they doing to do? Basically got a shrug and essentially I spent the money for nothing.


All that together left a bad taste in my mouth...I paid my $90 diagnosis fee and left...I'll be taking it to a different Ford dealer.


2 Much...thanks for the replies...I'm going to call Tremec tomorrow and see what they say...I feel like I have some pretty specific information on when specifically reverse will grind so I'm hoping they can give some insight.

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I called Tremec this morning...they right away said they can't talk about any part of the transmission since it was built to Ford's specs...and I need to take it up with them. The guy said he could lose his job.


Ford replaced your clutch outside of 12k/1 year? The dealership said they were communicating with Ford and they kept telling them no since its a wear item.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to give a follow up. Came back home to South Carolina a few weeks ago and took it to my local dealership (The dealership I was originally dealing with was in Montgomery Alabama...I was down there for some training).


They ended up replacing my supercharger (had some loud bearing noise), and they are going to have to take apart the entire transmission to look for the issue. Go figure...they suspect it is the reverse synchro that is out and all the repairs including taking apart the transmission is all under warranty. Unfortunately they can't start the job until next week because their transmission specialist is busy...however this REALLY frustrates me that the previous dealership in Alabama was essentially trying to fuck me over.


I'm wondering what I can do to report the dealership in Alabama...because even when I went in and talked with the tech it seemed like a total scam. Granted...I need to wait until it is fixed to confirm it is the synchro...but I for sure don't think it is the clutch like they originally swore was the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another follow up. They finally got my transmission apart at my local dealership and they said the reverse synchro is torn up. Replacing under warranty.


Thanks 2much. You defiantly played a part in me saying "fuck off" to the other dealership and taking my car back.


I called the dealership that originally said my clutch needed to be replaced today and talked to the service manager. Explained the story and he is refunding my $95 diagnose fee and a free oil change at my local dealership. Is that worth the possibility of me paying $1700 for a clutch that was never needed? No...but that's just about all he could do for that.


Either way...if anyone else ever has this issue...reverse synchro seems to be the culprit (as you said 2much)

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