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Terlingua 2015


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Terlingua 2015 event email blast going out today with a link to the new registration process. If you have not signed up for the email blasts yet please use the link below to sign up now. If you have signed up but don't see the email, make sure you check your junk/spam folder first.


Sign up for email blasts here: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=aj8n6ejab&p=oi&m=1109340384544&sit=jjxneowgb&f=700f01d3-3b80-47a1-a6e0-d16c24f3525b


Register for the event here (alumni only until March 1st): http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=aj8n6ejab&oeidk=a07eacfemrs6317b4a5

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Terlingua 2015 event email blast going out today with a link to the new registration process. If you have not signed up for the email blasts yet please use the link below to sign up now. If you have signed up but don't see the email, make sure you check your junk/spam folder first.


Sign up for email blasts here: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=aj8n6ejab&p=oi&m=1109340384544&sit=jjxneowgb&f=700f01d3-3b80-47a1-a6e0-d16c24f3525b


Register for the event here (alumni only until March 1st): http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=aj8n6ejab&oeidk=a07eacfemrs6317b4a5

Thanks Sean - well done!


All alumni from Terlingua years 2009 - 2014 can sign up now for Terlingua 2015! This years dates are October 1-4, with the pre-event meetup scheduled for Sept 30 at Lajitas. The event signup page has all the details Sean posted above.


All that is needed now is a registration form filled out which states you are planning to come. Deposit is not due until later, this is simply to hold your spot.


Any remaining spots after alumni sign up will be available for first time event goers starting March 1. We usually have a few open spots a year.


Any questions, please ask any board member shown on our website: www.terlinguapreservationsociety.com or feel free to email me vorpl8@yahoo.com


The Terlingua event is operated as a 5013c non-profit charity, in the historic Terlingua Racing Team and Shelby rich area of Terlingua, Texas and benefits the local community as well as being a great deal of fun.




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