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Will MSRP be lower for Canadian 08s

Pony Ride

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Not that Cars can be bought for MSRP but with the Canadian dollar at $.95 it should lower the price. Has there been any talk for 08 pricing yet? As the dollar goes up it is making the EVO/JLT stage 2 closer for me :happy feet: .

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Highly doubt it.........I should have paid only 1.16 more than the u.s. msrp but I didn't.........GT500 and others and same with the new z06, less than 70K u.s. but close to 100k here?? Unfortunately simple math doesn't apply to cars. Our canadian gt500 should have been$47-$48 K max msrp but our coupe was $52k

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Highly doubt it.........I should have paid only 1.16 more than the u.s. msrp but I didn't.........GT500 and others and same with the new z06, less than 70K u.s. but close to 100k here?? Unfortunately simple math doesn't apply to cars. Our canadian gt500 should have been$47-$48 K max msrp but our coupe was $52k


I agree that they probably will not adjust MSRP to reflect the srtonger value of the Canadian dollar. However, I think that it is a mistake. What will happen, especially if the Canadian dollar eventually trades on par (many experts predict it will happen by the end of this year) is that more and more people will buy their cars in the US, especially in high price vehicles as the savings will be sufficient to offset additional costs of purchasing south of the border. I know that I would if I had not yet purchased a Shelby.


This is not just a Ford problem though. All companies seem to do the same. The Z06 is indeed a good exemple. Even companies that are not US based do the same. For instance, a client of mine recently bought an Audi RS4; MSRP for it is $94,200 Canadian. In the US the same car is $66,000 US (around $70,200 Canadian). This price would be right if the Canadian dollar was trading at $0.70 US! I guess car companies take their Canadian customers for granted.

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...more and more people will buy their cars in the US, especially in high price vehicles as the savings will be sufficient to offset additional costs of purchasing south of the border.


A fellow in my office just purchased a Toyota mini van from a dealer in the states. The dealers seem to be all setup to do this type of transaction so it must be quite common. He took a Casino Niagara shuttle from Toronto then walked across the bridge. The dealer met him on the other side and drove him to the lot. They handled all the paperwork, including the stuff for customs, and he drove it back. He says he saved a lot of cash doing it this way but he didn't say how much.

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A fellow in my office just purchased a Toyota mini van from a dealer in the states. The dealers seem to be all setup to do this type of transaction so it must be quite common. He took a Casino Niagara shuttle from Toronto then walked across the bridge. The dealer met him on the other side and drove him to the lot. They handled all the paperwork, including the stuff for customs, and he drove it back. He says he saved a lot of cash doing it this way but he didn't say how much.



This is becoming more and more common, a dealer friend of mine (Porsches) has gone down and bought 5 in the last week allone, brings them back and sells them for 30% more...he says he's making a killing!


I was recruited to drive one back from Niagara..it was fun!


Amazing what you can do when the dollar shifts!



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