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Thread Rage


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That's just horrible. How can people act that way on the freaking internet, let alone in real life. I bet if they were face-to-face there would of been no argument

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wow that was harsh.


i go to a couple of other forums occasionally and they aren't that bad but i have found taht the quality of folks here as well as the quality of conversation (for the most part) is of a much higher caliber.





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Yep, this sight is good. Nice to hang out with people my own age that don't get bent over the least little things said. The younger ones don't seem to know how to kid much anymore, they take everything way to personal :(

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Three things make this site as good as it is... and it is good...one of the best I've ever been on.


1. The people started and keep it running..."The Fast Lanes"


2. The moderators, for actually being on, being a part, not taking any garbage from trolls and showing a helping hand to newbies.


3. All the members, period. It's just, the members with white cars go faster :hysterical2::hysterical:

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Check out the link here from Forums.


It's one of the reasons I spend 99% of my online time right here.




Yeah, it's amazing what kind of cohones people have when they can hide behind a computer screen. I agree, I've been reading posts here at Stangs Unleashed for just under a year now, and only recently started posting, but, of the posts I've read to date, everyone here seems to be first class.


Unfortunately, people like legallytorchred crave attention (good or bad) because mom and dad either didn't give him enough attention as a child, or didn't give him the "right" kind of attention. So, people like that are constantly crying out for help. Fortunately, for those of us that recognize this kind of temper-tantrum, the solution is that no one replys to their bad behavior. Eventually, they'll either figure out that they can't act that way and expect people to interact with them, or, they'll go away because they're being ignored.


I'm glad to be a part of this site and the great people here.




- Josh

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How come this forum is so positive? Does it have anything to do with the fact that a lot of you guys were growing up in the 60's? Yea man.....PEACE MAN.....lol! Or ......are you guys on E? Which explains how we are all so positive and LITERALLY stuck here typing because the letter keys feel sooooo gooood! lol....Kidding....you guys are all just a great group of friends that live all over the WORLD. We should have one giant FORUM reunion on RUFs account ....since he has probably the LARGEST thread.....Who agrees?

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How come this forum is so positive? Does it have anything to do with the fact that a lot of you guys were growing up in the 60's? Yea man.....PEACE MAN.....lol! Or ......are you guys on E? Which explains how we are all so positive and LITERALLY stuck here typing because the letter keys feel sooooo gooood! lol....Kidding....you guys are all just a great group of friends that live all over the WORLD. We should have one giant FORUM reunion on RUFs account ....since he has probably the LARGEST thread.....Who agrees?


nah, we're not on E, LSD!!!!! I do believe the fact that we grew up in the 60's has alot to do with who and how we are today :) I'm in for a giant forum reunion on RUF's account. Bring it on :banana piano: Peace man.

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Three things make this site as good as it is... and it is good...one of the best I've ever been on.


1. The people started and keep it running..."The Fast Lanes"


2. The moderators, for actually being on, being a part, not taking any garbage from trolls and showing a helping hand to newbies.


3. All the members, period. It's just, the members with white cars go faster :hysterical2::hysterical:

What? White goes faster :rant: Good thing you live in Texas or I'd come down there and show you how fast alloy is. :hysterical2: Oh wait...that's right...I think I have the slowest GT500 on this site. :hysterical2: I better shut up now.



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Are you going to that one island with all the pretty girls....KumonIwannalaya?



I'll be with all of my inlaws and their families. I think they call that island hellinparadise :hysterical2:



.....and Dave, you're NOT slow, just deliberate!!!! :happy feet:

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Are you going to that one island with all the pretty girls....KumonIwannalaya?



I'll be with all of my inlaws and their families. I think they call that island hellinparadise :hysterical2:

.....and Dave, you're NOT slow, just deliberate!!!! :happy feet:



Wow.... :hysterical2::hysterical2::hysterical2: LMFAO!

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