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Coolant Decision

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Hey Guys,


I was just wandering what kind of coolant you guys are using. I have heard good things and bad things about various brands of coolant. I just wanted to see what everyone was using and their experience with their brand of coolant.


Also I was wandering what the correct way to do a radiator flush. This is my first time doing the flush as I had shops do them for me (but now that I have a Shelby, its kind of hard to let a shop touch a Shelby if you know what I mean). So this Is what I read and heard.


I already have the fluids drained except what's in the engine.

" Once fluids are drained, take a couple gallons of distilled water and fill up the radiator and resevior to the fill line. Than turn car on and let car get up to operating temperatures which will allow the water to go through the engine and clean everything else out all while blasting the heat. Than drain water. (can flush distilled water as many times as you would like) Once water is drained, take full concentrated coolant and pour about 50% in along with 50% water to achieve a 50/50 ratio. Being a little off is ok. Start the car up again with heat and let car get to operating temps. Look for any leaks. Drive about 100 miles and top off coolant if necessary. "


Is that correct? Would appreciate any feedback.


Also how do you get the air bubbles out?


Thank you for your time,




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Wow close CSM number to me. Anyway ok cool. I drained the radiator and the coolant is green and looks clean. I think the dealership may have flushed the coolant before I got the car. I flushed into a a brand new container. I might just reuse that coolant and whatever amount I lost I'll top off with prestone. Either that or I just fill the whole radiator up with 50/50 prestone coolant since there is already good coolant left throughout the engine. All that needs, to be filled is radiator and reservoir. Would either be ok or is it once you drain you can never use again ?


Thank you for your time,




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Honestly. I just drain as much as I can out of the radiator and add new 50/50 to it every couple years instead of flushing it. It makes too much of a mess for me to deal with at home

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Yeah it would be a nice piece of mind.



2899, I like that Idea. I am doing it at home too. After draining the radiator and doing it every couple of years. You eventually swap out everything bad and are consistently swapping 2 year old coolant. I like that Idea lol. Plus I only drive maybe 1k a year on the car so the coolant will stay good if I do it every 2 years as well

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I flushed my coolant this past spring using the method you described (there's plenty of youtube videos online for those that are interested in the details). I re-filled with Zerex G-05 mixed with distilled water (50/50) ratio. This coolant is supposedly an aftermarket equivalent to the Ford OEM coolant that was in the car when it was new.


You can buy an inexpensive coolant tester (hydrometer) at the autoparts store to double-check that your coolant/water mix is 50/50 after running the car for awhile and then adjust the mixture as needed.


-yellow pony

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Ford recommends you not use a hydrometer, it should be in the owner's manual.


I would NEVER drain out part of the system and just replace with fresh. You are leaving contaminated coolant in the system. As an analogy, would you use synthetic oil and every 2-3 k, change the filter and replace with a new filter and a new quart of synthetic oil? Leaving the old oil in? As you know some synthetics advertise 25-30,000 miles.


If you change the system often enough, about every 30 K you might not even have to flush as you are removing contaminants and less time for any buildup in the radiator core or the heater core.


when in doubt, let the dealer handle the flush and I would only use Ford Motorcraft coolant in a Shelby.

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IMO, this approach is even worse than changing only the oil filter and one quart each time. At least with the oil you have a new filter that would assist in cleaning the oil somewhat but with there is no coolant for the filter. I hope no one is really using this method.

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