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Must Be The Heat......


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It's stinking hot here in KY! The other day I came in from mowing the yard when the heat index was over 102 and the wife says, I got bbq for supper, but I forgot the buns......so, I jump in the GT500 and run up to Food Lion. It's less than a mile and I realize I haven't driven this car in like 3 weeks! I'm hot and sweaty and nasty so I'm in and out as fast as possible. However, the 2 young lads in their shiny new Dodge Dart were waiting on me when I came out. I had briefly considered taking the long way home (around the "block" is about 4 miles 1/2 of it four-lane) to blow the cobwebs out of the exhaust and their antics convinced me. They followed me across the parking lot revving their engine and I turned left to go around the block instead of home, they turned too. All over my back bumper, gunning and revving it all the time. I eased on down the road without too much fuss until we hit the 4 lane. When the light turned green, I turned right, took the right lane. Immediately they jumped out in the left lane and pulled along side. We were doing about 45-50 when I rolled the window down and gave them one of these "who? me?" looks and they nailed it. It was a hoot because I stayed along side, with very little effort to about 70, then I stuck my hand out the window, waved, rolled up the window and then drove away. They didn't even bother to wave back when I turned off a mile or so ahead........must have been the heat.....I was still grinning when I got home and the wife said, you been out blowing the soot out, haven't you? I love this car!

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I went to a 60's/70's style burger place that recently re-opened; there are always cruises going on and Sunday in particular I saw a 2008 or 2009 Shelby GT500 convertible and a 2012 Shelby GT500. Both cars were beautiful; however, on an unrelated note I was coming home on a highway stretch and had to pull a maneuver to get around a few people that were driving 40 in a 55.

I noticed I had certain headlights behind me following the same route, headlights like a 2013 or newer Mustang. I figured he must be trying to pass me. Go ahead, I thought, but I'm not going down without a fight. Then when he pulled to the side of me and it tipped me off (along with the exhaust sound) when I saw the snake on the side - 2013/2014 Shelby GT500 - that I was in fact going down without a fight that night.


Must be the heat. :shrug:

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