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2014 GT500 Testosterone Booster


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Well ive seen the adds and read all the hype and I bought a 2014 GT500 and I can attest to say that it definitly boosts your testosterone. WIthin a week of getting it, I accidentally knocked my wife up. Hope this ones a boy!



I showed this post to my wife.............................Shelby's are for sale now :doh:



Congrats to you and your wife. :thumbsup: Fingers crossed for a boy :victory:

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Well ive seen the adds and read all the hype and I bought a 2014 GT500 and I can attest to say that it definitly boosts your testosterone. WIthin a week of getting it, I accidentally knocked my wife up. Hope this ones a boy!

ACCIDENTALLY? Maybe if you paid more attention in Biology Class, you would KNOW, it was no Accident ………. :hysterical2:


Congrats on BOTH, the Shelby and the Baby. What color is your Shelby?

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My Shelby is Ruby Red.


I too am hoping for a boy. My wife has this calendar thing that based on her age and the month of conception suposidly determines the sex... yeah ino i dont believe it, but it worked for my daughter, and according to it, its a boy. This is my second girl so I am hoping for a boy!


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My Shelby is Ruby Red.


I too am hoping for a boy. My wife has this calendar thing that based on her age and the month of conception suposidly determines the sex... yeah ino i dont believe it, but it worked for my daughter, and according to it, its a boy. This is my second girl so I am hoping for a boy!



There is also the Wedding Ring on a gold Chin trick. You put YOUR wedding Ring on the Chain and you dangle the ring over HER bare belly. If it swings back and forth, it is a By. If it swings in circles, its a Girl.

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My Shelby is Ruby Red.


I too am hoping for a boy. My wife has this calendar thing that based on her age and the month of conception suposidly determines the sex... yeah ino i dont believe it, but it worked for my daughter, and according to it, its a boy. This is my second girl so I am hoping for a boy!


Nice color.

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My Shelby is Ruby Red.


I too am hoping for a boy. My wife has this calendar thing that based on her age and the month of conception suposidly determines the sex... yeah ino i dont believe it, but it worked for my daughter, and according to it, its a boy. This is my second girl so I am hoping for a boy!


We did the same thing. Planned for a boy, had the boy. He is 9 now and his older sister is 11.

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most for sale posts start with " expanding family " " baby on the way " " another new addition ". wonder how long you will be able to keep it now? hope you get to hang on to it. i hear their awesome! congrats on both counts and hope one doesn't cost you the other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time to get you some Mustangs for the kids. My daughters love theirs. It's kind of like playing with remote controlled cars, except you don't have control. Congrats!



PS. I'm down to one motorcycle now..... it happens, but make sure you always have at least one.

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