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question concerning Shelby GT intake

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is it an old school GT500KR CSM mug?


Not KR.




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Not Super Snake.

DeWayne, too vague.


Getting warmer, though...



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How about a CSM mug with CSM #07SGT/SC0446 ?



There's actually a story behind this mug, very few people know it, so if you don't immediately recognize it, guessing is highly unlikely.

I'll leave the challenge out there a bit longer, just on the chance someone knows the answer, then I will let everyone in on it.




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Could it be a CSM "employee of the month" mug ? :puppy_kiss:



Hey I have to take a guess ( I mean for a t-shirt -come on now ) :dogwalk:


Naw… That would mean I STOLE it… LOL




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Maybe I should have put it another way " Welcome to Shelby Performance Parts Jer " mug - where there is NO TIME FOR SLEEP ( aka ; you're going to need this coffee mug ) :lol:


LOL… Ain't enough caffeine on the planet for THIS. ;)




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I'm running low on guesses here - throw me a bone ! How about a clue ? Did it come with a matching water bowl for the dogs ?


Ha! No...

OK, here's a hint… it was made by a customer.




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OK - I will take another guess


A car with a story - quite possible an SGT story


Lets try this


Lets say 07SGT0001 sold at Berrett Jackson for $600K and the Berrett Jackson people made coffee mugs for the Shelby employees.



Hey - it's a guess

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I think Jer forgot us - I need another clue on the mug or the answer ( I'm good in the t-shirt department ) and yes I know I'm "off topic" - sorry all - maybe the prize should have been a new air filter element for anyone who could guess the mug ( that would get us back on topic ) :)

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