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Veteran's Day

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Just a gentle reminder that Nov 11, 2013 is Veteran's Day. Please take a moment to reflect on those men and women serving in our armed forces protecting the freedom we all love and share. Also reflect on those who have given the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedom.


God bless

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As a Vet. I thank all who served before me and that are currently serving.



Ditto! I retired after 30 years of service in the Air Force in January. I, WE...appreciate your support.

I appreciate all you folks did for this country, you have my utmost respect! This goes for all those in the armed forces, past, present and future!


Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! :salute:

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As a Vet. I thank all who served before me and that are currently serving.



Ditto! I retired after 30 years of service in the Air Force in January. I, WE...appreciate your support.


As a vet myself, I feel we all need to do anything we can in support of our troops and their families.




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I have always remembered to thank Vets, both on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day, and during the rest of the year.


I was helping a friend of mine yesterday, prepare a recreated gun truck from the Vietnam era for a display today at a local Appleby's. He was a gun trucker in Vietnam, and maintains the gun truck for parades and displays throughout the year. I have helped him, a couple of times, to prepare the truck for events, and have seen all the guns and materials he displays at these events. I have even had the honor of riding with him in one of the local parades.


One thing was different today when I stopped by the Appleby's to say hi and see how things were going. He had pictures, which I had never seen before, lined up on the one side of the truck. The pictures were of the damage sustained by the original truck in Vietnam, when it was hit by 2 RPG's during a combat mission outside of Khe Sanh. One of the pictures showed the inside floor of the truck, which in a gun truck is completely lined with .30 and .50 caliber ammo cans. Normally, these would be 'OD' green in color, but in this picture the whole floor was a distinct red color. Two of his friends, and fellow truckers, lost their lives in that mission. After seeing that picture, I had to walk around the back of the truck, out of everyone's view, so no one would see a grown man crying his eyes out. I composed myself, and walked back around the truck, and as I have done before, shook my friend's hand and welcomed him 'home'.


I welcome every Vet home, from the bottom of my heart!

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spent the veteran's day weekend involved with the wounded warrior project. Their High 5 tour features a 850 hp wide body super snake that has been traveling around the country as a fund raiser. Ultimately it will be auctioned, and the money all used to build houses for disabled vets that will meet their special needs. Friday we met up with the car in Topeka and escorted it to Kansas City, and yes, it is completely covered with signatures, in gold if you are a purple heart vet........look for the kc badcat in the close up of the rear fender...grinning









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Saturday afternoon was spent with the car up at the ford dealer in blue springs, mo......law enforcement and patriot guard (motorcycles) escort into the dealer. Sunday and Monday the car was at the Liberty Memorial/WWI national museum here in KC.....a couple of dozen local mustangs were parked on the side lawn of the memorial.......I stuck around till the end for a totally awesome chance to take photos with just me, and the memorial and kc landscape in the background...













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