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What color is the KR???

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Is the 2008 KR that was seen at the NY Auto show Vapor in color????


I have read many threads on this but none that have shown a Mustang in this new Vapor color, but I am just guessing here that the KR is vapor since it looks like a new shade of silver to me?

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Is the 2008 KR that was seen at the NY Auto show Vapor in color????


I have read many threads on this but none that have shown a Mustang in this new Vapor color, but I am just guessing here that the KR is vapor since it looks like a new shade of silver to me?


Chuck......it has its own thread already in this forum:




In summary, that is a one-off show color on the KR (TOO BAD). It is said to be like Tungsten with a blue undertone (instead of the purple in Tungsten). Hope this helps...I will close this thread later on for redundancy...


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