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well i was taking my wifes 07 vette vert in for service,getting on the highway when car hydroplaned--i wasnt even going fast maybe 35, road was wet, slid onto the grasss\, and all the training ive had in handling a spin went out the window as i slid100ft on the grass into the road barrior--pretty damn scary--- if you saw the pics you woder how i walked away,,Frame was bent, and state farm was great--totalled the car and gave me more than its worth by alot--just glad i wasnt hurt--being an engineer, im amazed at how the force of the collision with the barrier was diffused by the frame, and of cousre the 30 ft of rail i took out--oh well, had to vent a little here

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The important thing is that you did not get seriously injured. I do have a question though. What kind of tires did you have on the Vette and how many miles were on them. Does not seem that you should have hydroplaned under the conditions you described. I am guessing your wife will want a new 2014 Vette to replace it.

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car only had 7K miles so they were the stock tires/wheels etc.Its a weirrd entrance, downhill and sloping right, witha 30degree angle turn---thats where it broke loos..i was doing maybe 35 on the ramp and just pushed dow the throttle, not alot and it spun. The cop told me thjey had the same thing the week before in exactly the same spot---its a lane merge entranc from 2 to 1, and i was in thelane thet disppears--im wondering if that surface is messed up somehow--found 3 new 2012 verts in atl for 50K so we're looking at them, --welll wait for the 2014 to get rid of all its problems new designs always have and maybe get the new design in 3 years--by then ill be 70, hope I can still get in/out Man im getting old She likes the new color for 12 called carlisle blue--but i think its too wimpy--its like an old Pontiac color from 65 called Fontaine blue they had on GTOs--i had one that color--really aimed at the female drivers.In my research they only sold 11,000 vettes last year--they used to sell 25K every year--only made 42 of this color

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