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Show of Support for Sandy Victims

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I was wondering if we could do something to show are support since we are a large family !!! Maybe we can meet up and do a cruise in to the town of Newton ct.

Lay flowers down assist familys anything to show as a large car club we care !!! I feel with all this evil we need to stand up and show we wont stand by and let children die.

I am crushed by this act of evil !! I have never ever cried so hard and for me to share this with you guys is a hard thing to do. I was raised never to cry never show emotion my dad was a hard man but his training did make me a strong cop. But even my dad would cry at this situation innocent children never ever should be harmed. I will die before a child is ever harmed in my sight.

If we can even get other car guys to join us and be allowed to surrond the school to show we will protect are children.

If anyone can arrange this and make it happen you have my 100% assistance !!!


I even went out and bought the bible !!!


I think Mr. Shelby would agree on this being done as we know his love for children.


Thank you,


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Sure would like to participate but just too far away. Maybe a sign on the cars with other states that says for example South Dakota Cares. As an EMT for 30 years I know how difficult the aftermath can be for those folks as well. I have responded to suicides, domestic violance and murders and it takes a toll. May god bless them.

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