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Powerlease Update - NOT

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The mythical letters have not been sent. The phone guy picked up the 'Hopefully in the next week' cue card they've been reading from for three weeks. I asked him if he needed me to send some stamps since he said the 'letter had been approved late last week'. He said they had plenty of stamps.

Robert - any idea what it takes to get Ford to fulfill their written promises?

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Five Oh B -

I'm not trying to shoot the messnger here - I know you're on our side.

But what still needs to be ironed out? Ford promised a voucher for the car by Late July 2004. We were also promised 'first in line' (Ford's words) privileges. There is nothing to iron out. Those promises are in writing. Yet there has been no communication from Ford. There has been no letter telling us when the real letter is coming, or what the problem is. Better yet, who do I call to get an answer from - who's actually in charge? There's been only promises from SVT saying 'soon' or 'next week' for weeks. SVT finally admitted yesterday they were not calling the shots, Ford is. They do not have much credibility anymore in my mind. Bearing in mind Job One is supposedly June 3rd, I heard an indirect promise from Ford through a local district rep who says the letter should be out in 30 - 45 days. How is that consistent with 'first in line'? You can't get there from here.

A reasonable person would be deeply suspicious that the delay is because they are trying to bait and switch. Part of that process is to keep putting off producing anything in writing until it's too late for us to do anything to get them to deliver on all that we were promised. Did I say 'in writing'?

Maybe you have a more calm explanation - I'm willing to listen. But this is, in any event, absolutely crappy customer service with loyal previous buyers. It looks calculated to me - nobody could be this stupid without intending to be.

Again, Five Oh, not spraying you. If anybody has a real answer, hundreds of us are all ears.

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I don't think there is any conspiracy at Ford to try and avoid their power lease customers at all. What I can add for a FACT is that Ford is really short handed. Due to all of the cut-backs, they are spread just too thin all around. Let's not forget that as a company, they have to deal with issues at Ford, Lincoln-Mercury, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin and Land Rover too.

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Robert -

Thanks, but this issue did not just crop up last week. The commitment was made two years ago. There has been plenty of time since the end of July 2004 when the letter was to have been sent, or since the concept introduction March 2005, or (pick a milestone). If I got busy and failed to send in my lease payment, I'd probably get one month then they'd be after me. Wouldn't matter how busy or shorthanded I was.

They obviously do not trust SVT to do this task - the SVT guys have made it clear they cannot make this happen. If Ford has a group that can and should do the job and Ford won't let them, well . . .

Why not just make a public announcement? If everyone has told the truth, the letter is done and just needs to be sent. I offered to send them stamps if that was the holdup.

I think there are many ways to do something, but Ford has done nothing. Sorry, but I disagree. Something is going on. I believe they are trying to weasel out. I haven't always thought this way, but I do now. It should not have gotten down to just weeks before the Job One and still not having a resolution on this. It is lousy customer service.

Maybe you can get somebody within Ford to explain publicly what's going on and when it'll be resolved. No one has been willing to provide me a name and number or e-mail to whom to send my concerns. I'd certainly be willing to listen to a reasonable explanation with a specific timetable to fix the problem. If, on the other hand, lots of people are just wandering around in a daze waiting for the other show to drop, we need to know that too.

Robert, not trying to shoot the messenger. Someone in Ford has to be a man (or woman) and stand tall and accept responsibility for a solution on this. I think it says a lot about the company that that has not happened. I'm willing to bet some folks out here are on the verge of legal action.

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Five Oh B @ Apr 19 2006, 07:55 PM) 8529[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

OK, Ford has dropped the ball on this and is late coming to the party. However, when the letters, certificates, or whatever, are sent out, you can still be given preferential treatment with getting an early GT500.


You likely know from this forum that dealers tell Ford what order to build cars in with Priority Codes. It's a number from 10-49 (10 meaning build this one first). Perhaps not explained previously here is that the regional Ford Rep can override a dealer's priority code and make it an 01 which says make this car first regardless of what the dealer says. This happens when a Ford Rep is responding to a customer complaint or special circumstances. I'd say a PowerLease is a special circumstance and will likely result in regional reps taking customers with PowerLeases and pushing their Priority Codes to 01.


Because Ford is under the gun now with PowerLeasees, I can only imagine that this is how they will handle the orders.


I would go a little further with the priority concept. A lot of the powerlease info indicated that the powerlease would be built in any intial production run. So I would wager that the first orders to be filled will be power leases. I will even venture a guess that the allocation of any particular dealership will be unaffected by the powerlease. I wonder does anyone know how many people actually took advantage of the powerlease? I do not think the number is too high. I ran the numbers myself on the Last Cobra's we had but the payment just seemed too steep. The promise was for a Cobra, and now the unfortunate powerlease customers are getting a Shelby (semantics I know but I think more people place value on the name than will admit it)

However if you would like to sell the powerlease certificate when you get it I can think of a Few people that would pay for the Early production promise. Be patient. Just because the Informationn is out on the car does not mean that Ford has already stopped the 2006 model year. They will still be building 2006 cars till the end of May.

And one more thing. Got a memo today that indicated that the 2007 pricing would be available in 'Early May' this means as late as the 15th of May. So no more complaining about when the pricing will be available till the 16th of May, please.

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Five Oh and Platinum -

I hear what you are saying. From what I've been told several times there are about three hundred total in both the Cobra and Lightning Powerlease groups. But the info you provide is three thousand percent more than Ford, actually, even more. When you are on this side of the problem, after a while words are not enough. Speaking only for me, but suspecting others in this position feel the same, we are running out of time. We cannot go back, say, three months fom now, knowing how things have turned out and then realize we should have acted back then (now, in other words) before it was too late. I agree there are things Ford COULD still do, the question I have is WILL they do them. The silence continues to be deafening. I have no doubt that if either of you, or I, were running the show, things would be different. We are not. I have continued to try to see the positive in this deal for a long time. I can't anymore without something directly from Ford. Thanks anyway guys.

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Five Oh and Platinum -

I hear what you are saying. From what I've been told several times there are about three hundred total in both the Cobra and Lightning Powerlease groups. But the info you provide is three thousand percent more than Ford, actually, even more. When you are on this side of the problem, after a while words are not enough. Speaking only for me, but suspecting others in this position feel the same, we are running out of time. We cannot go back, say, three months fom now, knowing how things have turned out and then realize we should have acted back then (now, in other words) before it was too late. I agree there are things Ford COULD still do, the question I have is WILL they do them. The silence continues to be deafening. I have no doubt that if either of you, or I, were running the show, things would be different. We are not. I have continued to try to see the positive in this deal for a long time. I can't anymore without something directly from Ford. Thanks anyway guys.


Three Cobras.... Take it form me they are only trying to present the facts as they know it. (right or wrong) They have NO control over what is going on at Ford Motor Company & if they could, I'm sure they would be glad to help you. This way Forward deal is a MAJOR Corperate shake-up & things will get turned up side down until they can get a handle on it. 300 power lease customers doesn't save the company but millions do & thats got to be their 1st priority. If I was you I would forget the Power lease agreement & plan on purchasing this car, it's not going to be one you want to give up after you drive it. Don't lose all faith but make a 2nd plan incase it falls thru.

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Roger. I think I've been clear that the posters such as Five Oh B and Platinum are on the good guys side. I further realize the angst over the Powerlease failure to deliver the contracted goods or services is not of interest to those who didn't sign up. But it might say a lot about the company to others. This problem way predates the 'Way Ahead'. If you or I accepted money with the promise to deliver certain goods and/or services and we did not, we would be sued for fraud. This is a business deal. Ford has taken money and not provided the contracted-for services in return. Being 'too busy' would not terminate our responsibility in the situation I describe above, why should it do so for a big company? I have had a lease payment for 24 months now that was to provide specific contingent benefits, and it has not. Absent this agreement, I would still be driving my 2001 Cobra which was paid off. Of course, I'd have to log in as Two Cobras then. This is not about a simple agreement with no cost to me or others in the same position. Walking away and saying 'Oh well' is not an option.

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I agree with three cobras. It is sad to say that I have family that has retired from ford and I am trying to convince myself to still have faith in the company to deliver on its side of the lease contract. I can say for myself that I will never make a backup plan to buy the gt500 when i have already purchased the rights for the car.

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Roger. I think I've been clear that the posters such as Five Oh B and Platinum are on the good guys side. I further realize the angst over the Powerlease failure to deliver the contracted goods or services is not of interest to those who didn't sign up. But it might say a lot about the company to others. This problem way predates the 'Way Ahead'. If you or I accepted money with the promise to deliver certain goods and/or services and we did not, we would be sued for fraud. This is a business deal. Ford has taken money and not provided the contracted-for services in return. Being 'too busy' would not terminate our responsibility in the situation I describe above, why should it do so for a big company? I have had a lease payment for 24 months now that was to provide specific contingent benefits, and it has not. Absent this agreement, I would still be driving my 2001 Cobra which was paid off. Of course, I'd have to log in as Two Cobras then. This is not about a simple agreement with no cost to me or others in the same position. Walking away and saying 'Oh well' is not an option.


You have a good point their...I am NOT at all Knowledgeable in this special agreement called power lease, but if it has any fine print in the contract; I think you need to revisit to see if you have a case. Point well taken & worth noting.

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It's actually in big print:

1. Lease 2004 SVT, length of lease to coincide with arrival of 2007 (in case of Cobra Powerlease)

2. Get wriiten option by/around end of July 2004

3. Option can be sold / transferred - is assigned to individual, not part of any dealer's allocation

4. Reminder notice to holder by SVT about four to six months prior to start of production

5. Holder free to negotiate with any dealer.

6. "First in line' (Ford's words) privileges - "The first production 'batch' of next-generation Lightning and Cobra vehicles will be reserved for option holders." Direct quote.

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Roger. I think I've been clear that the posters such as Five Oh B and Platinum are on the good guys side. I further realize the angst over the Powerlease failure to deliver the contracted goods or services is not of interest to those who didn't sign up. But it might say a lot about the company to others. This problem way predates the 'Way Ahead'. If you or I accepted money with the promise to deliver certain goods and/or services and we did not, we would be sued for fraud. This is a business deal. Ford has taken money and not provided the contracted-for services in return. Being 'too busy' would not terminate our responsibility in the situation I describe above, why should it do so for a big company? I have had a lease payment for 24 months now that was to provide specific contingent benefits, and it has not. Absent this agreement, I would still be driving my 2001 Cobra which was paid off. Of course, I'd have to log in as Two Cobras then. This is not about a simple agreement with no cost to me or others in the same position. Walking away and saying 'Oh well' is not an option.



I have faith that Ford will step up to the pump and take care of Powerlease customers, but I can certainly understand your frustration at being kept in the dark so long. Hopefully you will get some answers soon.

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It's actually in big print:

1. Lease 2004 SVT, length of lease to coincide with arrival of 2007 (in case of Cobra Powerlease)

2. Get wriiten option by/around end of July 2004

3. Option can be sold / transferred - is assigned to individual, not part of any dealer's allocation

4. Reminder notice to holder by SVT about four to six months prior to start of production

5. Holder free to negotiate with any dealer.

6. "First in line' (Ford's words) privileges - "The first production 'batch' of next-generation Lightning and Cobra vehicles will be reserved for option holders." Direct quote.



Wow! I did not know that! If that is in big print, I think I would also be wondering WTF was going on & would be Probably doing the same things you are. Thanks for taking the time to type that up for all to see.

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It is and I am. I'm not alone. But I suspect there are a lot of folks out there in my shoes (there are supposed to be about 300 PL folks) but who do not have the information from these boards because they're unaware of them. I know that every time I've called SVT recently, whomever I talk to usually says that I'm the fourth or fifth call in a row on the same topic - Powerlease.

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I have been communicating with SVT since Sept 2004......I have also written a few letters.....Here is the most glaring example of pissing off a customer......I sent a letter to the Board of Directors (attn: Bill Ford), with all the written correspondence sent directly to SVT concerning their apparent Breach of Contract of the agreement...2 months later, I get a call from Matt T. their head of customer service (SVT). Saying they got my letter......I asked if anyone above the level of SVT read my letter, and got an unequivocal "don't know"....It would seem that the letter traveled from the top to the actual culprit, with no action or response to me directly in writing by any entitity at Ford or SVT........This situation is called "passing the buck"....No one at Ford really cares about 300 Powerlease Customers, and subsequently they have insulted us as individuals, as a group, and as SVT enthusiasts. Many of us will probably not take delivery of the Shelby, and purchase competitive products due to how we have been treated...... A class-action lawsuit may be the next step if Ford does not step up to the plate with Powerlease people.....problems avoided in business committments and contracts only tend to become larger and more expensive problems down the line........By the way with all the verbal and written communication with SVT during the past 2 years, not one management or staff every said the following very important words to any of us "I am sorry" "We apologize" or anything......just Corporate speak and non-committal promises........

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B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Five Oh B @ Apr 19 2006, 07:55 PM) 8529[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

OK, Ford has dropped the ball on this and is late coming to the party. However, when the letters, certificates, or whatever, are sent out, you can still be given preferential treatment with getting an early GT500.


You likely know from this forum that dealers tell Ford what order to build cars in with Priority Codes. It's a number from 10-49 (10 meaning build this one first). Perhaps not explained previously here is that the regional Ford Rep can override a dealer's priority code and make it an 01 which says make this car first regardless of what the dealer says. This happens when a Ford Rep is responding to a customer complaint or special circumstances. I'd say a PowerLease is a special circumstance and will likely result in regional reps taking customers with PowerLeases and pushing their Priority Codes to 01.


Because Ford is under the gun now with PowerLeasees, I can only imagine that this is how they will handle the orders.


I would go a little further with the priority concept. A lot of the powerlease info indicated that the powerlease would be built in any intial production run. So I would wager that the first orders to be filled will be power leases. I will even venture a guess that the allocation of any particular dealership will be unaffected by the powerlease. I wonder does anyone know how many people actually took advantage of the powerlease? I do not think the number is too high. I ran the numbers myself on the Last Cobra's we had but the payment just seemed too steep. The promise was for a Cobra, and now the unfortunate powerlease customers are getting a Shelby (semantics I know but I think more people place value on the name than will admit it)

However if you would like to sell the powerlease certificate when you get it I can think of a Few people that would pay for the Early production promise. Be patient. Just because the Informationn is out on the car does not mean that Ford has already stopped the 2006 model year. They will still be building 2006 cars till the end of May.

And one more thing. Got a memo today that indicated that the 2007 pricing would be available in 'Early May' this means as late as the 15th of May. So no more complaining about when the pricing will be available till the 16th of May, please.



The problem I have is that serial#s are already being assigned, and we know for a fact that selected dealers are getting early cars for showrooms, pre-ordered for them by Ford....DORAS on these have been sent about a month ago.....Unless we get specific information from Ford, we are assuming about half (or all) of "our promised cars" have already been assigned to Dealers and Customer orders......Not a good situation for Powerlease customers, at all........We were promised first production vehicles, and would expect delivery of the cars before dealers......About 300 Powerlease customers total took advantage of the SVT Powerlease program between April and June 2004, according to SVT....

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I have not heard of any serial numbers being assigned. What is the basis for this claim. I am not saying this is not the case, it would be very out of character to assign a VIN yet when Ford has yet to notify dealers of the number of cars they will be recieving. Keep in mind the VIN (Serial Number) consists of 17 Digits. so any person who posts a partial VIN is not posting anything that even remotely resembles a vehicle that is about to be built.

A DORA is a computer generated report that only acknowleges the reciept of the order. It does not mean anything other than "we recieved your order and here is what you requested" it is issued the day after the order is placed and is not 'sent out', it is transmitted by the computer (kind of like an e-mail saying we got your order for this vehicle) Some dealers do not print the reports every day so not all dealers will have a DORA the next day, however it would be available on the Dealer communications system for them to print the next time they run reports. The purpose for a DORA is to confirm what Ford thinks you want to build. The dealer can confirm all options and make any corrections. Every time you make a change on the order the dealer will recieve a new DORA. So if you change you mind and order a different color then the DORA would confim the change. If a dealership does not recieve the DORA then Ford has not acknowleged the change.

Also a pre production car for a showroom is not a car that Ford will allow you to sell. That would be like making the claim that since they had a GT500 at the car show and you have not recieved your powerlease letter Ford has passed you over.

If you do see a car on a dealers showroom I would wager that it is one of the Mules. And if you inquire about the purchase of this car you would be told it is not for sale.

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I have not heard of any serial numbers being assigned. What is the basis for this claim. I am not saying this is not the case, it would be very out of character to assign a VIN yet when Ford has yet to notify dealers of the number of cars they will be recieving. Keep in mind the VIN (Serial Number) consists of 17 Digits. so any person who posts a partial VIN is not posting anything that even remotely resembles a vehicle that is about to be built.

A DORA is a computer generated report that only acknowleges the reciept of the order. It does not mean anything other than "we recieved your order and here is what you requested" it is issued the day after the order is placed and is not 'sent out', it is transmitted by the computer (kind of like an e-mail saying we got your order for this vehicle) Some dealers do not print the reports every day so not all dealers will have a DORA the next day, however it would be available on the Dealer communications system for them to print the next time they run reports. The purpose for a DORA is to confirm what Ford thinks you want to build. The dealer can confirm all options and make any corrections. Every time you make a change on the order the dealer will recieve a new DORA. So if you change you mind and order a different color then the DORA would confim the change. If a dealership does not recieve the DORA then Ford has not acknowleged the change.

Also a pre production car for a showroom is not a car that Ford will allow you to sell. That would be like making the claim that since they had a GT500 at the car show and you have not recieved your powerlease letter Ford has passed you over.

If you do see a car on a dealers showroom I would wager that it is one of the Mules. And if you inquire about the purchase of this car you would be told it is not for sale.


We HAVE the actual serial# which you are aware is the last part of the vin#...this was issued to a dealer...why or how we can't explain but it is a fact...We know most dealers have not received serial#'s yet.....The cars that are assigned to dealers already from Ford (80 units??), are a fact, and to the best of our knowledge they are not pre-production cars.. They were awarding to Top-selling dealers by Ford, and will be for sale......hence those are the facts we know...They will be blue/white stripe cars...maybe one other color....The cars options/colors are set by Ford for these cars, not the dealers..... We have seen the Dora on one of these, they were issued in early March.......Ford has notified the dealers of allocations....The first letter was dated July 2005.....Another follow-up or memo has also been sent...Probably no "share of nation" cars will be available, unless customers cancel orders, or non-SVT dealers fail to certify for their 1-car allocation..........


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This situation really is ridiculous, and is a worst-case example of poor customer service. Instead of looking forward to the GT500, Powerlease holders like myself have been abused by Ford/SVT with redundant, empty promises of "next week". I really do wonder whether we will be hearing that same "promise" next year at this time. I posted a response to the Powerlease about 10 days ago, and in it I said that my dealer indicated he was contacted by Ford about handling upcoming Powerlease customers. Well, last week I went in to talk with the head sales manager directly, and he indicated that his information about the Powerlease was not from Ford but from a customer. Sorry folks for that misinformation - I was just reporting what I was told when it was told to me. The sales manager did, however, tell me to determine what color/options I want and that we should place a order for the car so that - in his words - "I have a real order on the books that I can argue with Ford about". I ended up ordering the car last week on Thursday, and am supposed to stop in tomorrow to pick up my DORA confirmation of the order. I'm not saying this is good or bad news - just news...


Feel free to stop reading now - here's my personal rant: :rockon: Ford, if you are listening (and it doesn't appear like you are), I've owned two Cobras thus far, and the GT500 would (will?) be my third. I specifically chose the Powerlease over a buy solely because of the promised certificate. No one knew it would be a GT500, and for all I care they can strip Shel's name off of it (Ford screwed that up to when they went from the beautiful S-H-E-L-B-Y lettering on the concept to what is going to appear in production - but that's another topic...) and call it the 2007 Cobra. The point is, I, like so many people on this board, was dedicated to Ford performance and bought accordingly. As a result of SVT, I purchased many other non-SVT Ford products over the years. Now, not only is Ford killing off SVT, they are killing what was a very loyal customer base. I can't even say I'm angry about the situation anymore - now I'm just tired and frustrated with the whole thing. Ironic that the Powerlease was desigend to keep the Ford loyal in the ranks, and now it has only served to alienate them.

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This situation really is ridiculous, and is a worst-case example of poor customer service. Instead of looking forward to the GT500, Powerlease holders like myself have been abused by Ford/SVT with redundant, empty promises of "next week". I really do wonder whether we will be hearing that same "promise" next year at this time. I posted a response to the Powerlease about 10 days ago, and in it I said that my dealer indicated he was contacted by Ford about handling upcoming Powerlease customers. Well, last week I went in to talk with the head sales manager directly, and he indicated that his information about the Powerlease was not from Ford but from a customer. Sorry folks for that misinformation - I was just reporting what I was told when it was told to me. The sales manager did, however, tell me to determine what color/options I want and that we should place a order for the car so that - in his words - "I have a real order on the books that I can argue with Ford about". I ended up ordering the car last week on Thursday, and am supposed to stop in tomorrow to pick up my DORA confirmation of the order. I'm not saying this is good or bad news - just news...


Feel free to stop reading now - here's my personal rant: :rockon: Ford, if you are listening (and it doesn't appear like you are), I've owned two Cobras thus far, and the GT500 would (will?) be my third. I specifically chose the Powerlease over a buy solely because of the promised certificate. No one knew it would be a GT500, and for all I care they can strip Shel's name off of it (Ford screwed that up to when they went from the beautiful S-H-E-L-B-Y lettering on the concept to what is going to appear in production - but that's another topic...) and call it the 2007 Cobra. The point is, I, like so many people on this board, was dedicated to Ford performance and bought accordingly. As a result of SVT, I purchased many other non-SVT Ford products over the years. Now, not only is Ford killing off SVT, they are killing what was a very loyal customer base. I can't even say I'm angry about the situation anymore - now I'm just tired and frustrated with the whole thing. Ironic that the Powerlease was desigend to keep the Ford loyal in the ranks, and now it has only served to alienate them.




What really makes me :banghead: is the fact that they are putting the S-H-E-L-B-Y on the Hertz rent a car. Need to rent one and steal the wording off the back :devil:

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What really makes me :banghead: is the fact that they are putting the S-H-E-L-B-Y on the Hertz rent a car. Need to rent one and steal the wording off the back :devil:


Ooooo, you're an evil one Sharon... I like it!! :bowdown:

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What really makes me :banghead: is the fact that they are putting the S-H-E-L-B-Y on the Hertz rent a car. Need to rent one and steal the wording off the back :devil:



No need to steal here. Just go to the Shelby Website


hit the shopping tab and order the Shelby letters if you are so concerned. $56.00 and a mere wait of 8-12 weeks.

I think that would be about the same $$$$ as a Hertz rental, and less headache to boot.

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One more thing if cobramustang1993 has the VIN or VINs of a vehcile could you post them so that we can all know the true status of the cars. I am sure that there are some mules running with VIN, however I have yet to see any evidence that there exists VIN that have been assigned for dealers orders.

A scan of the DORA with the VIN would be solid proof since the info would all be in one place.

Or even a copy of the dealers weekly status report. If the car is an acutal dealer order for a car that is for sale then it would apppear on the dealers weekly report.

Without the VIN we still have nothing to base the claim that cars are already being assigned. Keep in mind that the cars are not built in the order the VIN are assigned, so the first VIN assigned is not necissarily the first car built.

If you know for a fact, post the facts.

Not just part of the story.

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No need to steal here. Just go to the Shelby Website


hit the shopping tab and order the Shelby letters if you are so concerned. $56.00 and a mere wait of 8-12 weeks.

I think that would be about the same $$$$ as a Hertz rental, and less headache to boot.



Yeah but if I rent the car I can :shift: beat the crap out of it. Then when I took the lettering, I would not have to pay for something that should have been their in the first place. Its a Win Win :hysterical:

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Yeah but if I rent the car I can :shift: beat the crap out of it. Then when I took the lettering, I would not have to pay for something that should have been their in the first place. Its a Win Win :hysterical:




Your post remind me of the stories of '66 GT350H's being rented by people who would take them home and swap the engine into their Mustang coupe! I've also heard stories about shops that when they couldn't get parts for a customer's car would go rent a similar car and steal the needed parts off of it. People can be pretty creative in times of need!

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