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Wife and I are planning a vacation next year and it may coincide with T13.


I see that you have to register and prepay(I think). What does this event usually cost? How fast does it fill up? Etc........


Sorry if these are posted here somewhere, I didn't find them.




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Wife and I are planning a vacation next year and it may coincide with T13.


I see that you have to register and prepay(I think). What does this event usually cost? How fast does it fill up? Etc........


Sorry if these are posted here somewhere, I didn't find them.





Hey Tim,


Email sent.




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  • 1 month later...

What's all this private messaging about? Is it a secret about the costs?



No, not at all. Cost is $1600 for a couple including most meals and lodging. There are just a ton of details that go along with it and with the event limited to 45 cars, only 3 or 4 new people get in each year so the majority of people who frequent this section already know the details so it just keeps things "cleaner" to PM people rather than posting it here everytime someone asks. Not trying to be secretive at all.


If anyone is interested for can email me for more information: sean@terlinguaps.com



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Hey Ingram 4868,


No it is sure not a secret at all. (Just saw Sean's response as well, thanks Sean!! Posted about the same time...)


Here is the website for the evemt www.terlinguapreservationsociety.com it contains prices,past event schnedules, the charities we support, who the board is and more.


We are a 5013C Non-profit with no board member making a dime form the event and all volunteer. The event costs pay for hotel rooms at the high end resort, insurance for the speed events, Fire, EMS support, sheriff support, goodie bags, shirts, food for meals, singers and entertainment, car wash items, speed course items, some auction items, and more. Event fees cover costs with none extra and none going to pay anyone.


The charity auction, car wash for charity and charity poker game raise the funds we then donate to charity. This past year, 2012 the 75 or so people donated $23,000 to local charities!!! This includes scholarships, fire and ems funds, local school funds and a local veterans charity.


Costs were the last several years $1,500 per couple and $1,200 single all inclusive of meals, rooms, cars, insurance, events, goodie bags, shirts, creds, and all else. These will rise to $1,600 and $1,300 next year with increasing food costs.


PLEASE let any board member know if you want more info.


Alex and others who come can also tell you more and are just awesome. The event is open to anyone, but fills fast each year due to limits out here in Terlingua on rooms and venues for eating. We can only seat and hotel so many, no exclusivity, just a real good charity event among friends.



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Only David and me have a "secret code" LOL (inside joke)


For those of you considering, Terlingua is unlike anything words or pictures can describe. Those of you that know me that asked ( Ben and Tim) know that it is my favorite event of the year and it is not to miss. Many newbies the last few Terlinguas came because of how much fun I have told them it was. No one I know has even not had a great time that I sugessted to come. Sean, David, Jim, and the rest of the board do an incredible job of making sure each and every detail is planned to a T. If you can make one event per year, this is the one in my opinion. Worth every penny, and understand too, that most costs (food, beautiful resort, goodie, bags, entertainment, etc etc is all included in the price. The speed run is unlike no other too. The only thing I need to stress, if you want to go to sleep by 9 each night, don't come!! We do have interesting, very fun, conversations, and activities in the evenings, make sure you're a part of those!!



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Alex your awesome and always remember the code! :salute::hysterical::hysterical2:


The Terlingua Event is more than anything a gathering of good friends with a common Shelby interest to have fun, enjoy our cars and support the local community


I always say this and it remains the truth - ALL are welcome. Space is limited by venue size only, but all are welcome! Please send me or any board member an email if you are interested and we will get you on the list for 2013. Alumni will have first shot, but each year we have some opening so far so please let us know if you wish to come.


Thanks - vorpl8@yahoo.com




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We also try to keep it new and fresh by changing some small details and have some grand ideas for the future! As long as we are able, the core parts of the event will always stay the same- the airport for standing 1/4 and 1/2 mile runs, the poker, the auction, the closed road portion of course, and the afterparties.


Its the atmosphere and intimacy that make this event great though, so we always keep that as priority 1 in its organization.


We will be sending out registration details soon, and I am calculating a record sell out this year due to the fact that normally we have a few with scheduling conflicts from returning attendees, and this next year, I have yet to hear from anyone that isnt coming.. (cringe for fear of having space for everyone) But if I have to sleep in my car and skip a meal, I will be happy to do it to get everyone back that wants to come!

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Terlingua is by far the best gathering of people you'll ever find.........the fast cars, fantastic food and exciting activities are a bonus. :happy feet: I'll be turning in my "Rookie" status next year for "Pig Killer" :hysterical2:



Long Live Terlingua.

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Is there any dead line date ( which is ) to sign up ,or can you post when the event is full ,,( only 45 cars ) :drop: ,,Thanks ,,and how long ( number of days ) is the event each year ,, ,,yes please send me a PM or email at RMSwitzer@cableone.net ,,Thanks again ,,Respectfully Richard ,,,002473-R1-21-20A.jpg, :camera: ,picture taken this November 24th,2012 .


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Is there any dead line date ( which is ) to sign up ,or can you post when the event is full ,,( only 45 cars ) :drop: ,,Thanks ,,and how long ( number of days ) is the event each year ,, ,,yes please send me a PM or email at RMSwitzer@cableone.net ,,Thanks again ,,Respectfully Richard ,,,post-12534-0-98648700-1354332052_thumb.jpg, :camera: ,picture taken this November 24th,2012 .





I will send you an email now.




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Guys, if you wanna make GOD laugh, make "plans". But in as much as I can "plan" for this......I'm in..................can't wait to meet you all !!






ps; Alex told me that on the Last day of the event.......Newbies get their secret decoder rings and learn the codes for the Terlingua "go fast" tune !! Woot!! :happy feet:

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If you've not been to the Big Bend area of Texas, you'll find it is the perfect backdrop for such a magnificent event. Lends a flavor to the proceedings you won't find anywhere else. Not that you'll find such proceedings anywhere else, either.



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