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My brother in law has suddenly decided he want's a Shelby :hysterical:


Anycase while we're at my parents place for Easter he asks me if I still want the car. I of course respond with a HELL YEAH! Why? Well, he's been checking the car and it's features out and he figures he would like one. However, they've called just about every dealer in the area and they get laughed at. So, he says if I should change my mind he'd be happy to give me my deposit and take my top 5 spot in line.



As IF!

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Wow.........just wow! Is the brother-in-law competitive at all? Or has he just heard all about your upcoming vehicle? Is he a car fanatic at all?


I'd tell him that while you would give him the shirt off your back if he ever needed it, you simply can't offer him your spot on the list for this fine piece of machinery. Perhaps if he asked for a $4000 loan or your last Snickers bar, he may have a chance. But the GT500? No way in the world! :yup:

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Wow.........just wow! Is the brother-in-law competitive at all? Or has he just heard all about your upcoming vehicle? Is he a car fanatic at all?



I'll answer your ?'s in order.


1. Yes, very competitive and he doesn't like to not get his way.

2. He heard from my parents I was getting the car.

3.Not really, but he hated Stangs. He has a 94 Vette.

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Holy crap, Kaylan! Now you have me wondering if my husband's uncle might have a lost son! :idea:


The uncle is much like your brother in law. He's *very* competitive, and will even buy stuff he doesn't particularly care for, as long as it makes him feel as though he's "one upping" everyone else in the family.


We bought a low mileage '89 Vert (it had 15,300 miles on it, clean as all hell). His answer? A 2000 Corvette. :rolleyes:


The guy basically has more money than he knows what to do with.


I say you make it a point to make your first cruise in your GT500 right by his house. Residential or not, slow down to a crawl, rev to decently high RPM, and feather the clutch. Assure yourself the last laugh. :devil:

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