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Transmission-Shifter problem's

Greg Abarr

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I have a 2013 Boss and every since I have got it, it has shifted hard,notchy,very vague feel and it isn't getting any better.

I just wondered if any one on this forum has had any problem's.

I am afaird to drive this car hard because of the tranny.I have down shifted into the wrong gear 4 time's now and am afaird I am going to blow the engine. I have been driving race car's for 40 year's and have never had a car that took me this long to figure out. I can make a top loader,munice, or a BW T-10 sound like an automatic. I have 2 shelby's and have no problem's with either one<I must state 1 is a 68 auto.

If Ford make's a car and trout's it as the closest thing to a track car on the road then they should have put a decent tranny in it. I am giving serious consideration to getting rid of it if I can't drive it.

Aside from the tranny I love the car and believe if it had a decent tranny in it then it would be the perfect car.


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I had a 2012 Boss for 11 months and never had a problem like you are having. I would take it in for service and find out what is wrong. The Boss is meant to drive on a track like you said.

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Yes I am going to do that.

I just turned 2500 miles today. I wanted to get that much milage just to give it a chance to break in.

The only problem is the dealer ship I bought this from is a 180 mile round trip and I don't have anyone to drive me home so I can't leave it over night,plus they don't have any loaner car's.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Went to the dealer last month and after the sale's manager drove it he said I was shifting wrong puting to much pressure on the spring and causeing the shifting problem's.

I drove it 250 mile's and shifting it the way he said and when merging unto the highway at about 4500 RPM the tranny locked out of gear and wouldn't shift.

I then had my friend who own's and drive's a pro stock and he couldn't get it to shift either and said the shifter is a piece of crap.

Thinking about trading and buying a new car that is not a Ford for the first time in my life.


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Many people have had problems as you have,including me. Most have bought the MGW shifter and had no issues since. Check out their website. Around town driving it seems to shift fine, but when you get aggressive, thats when the problems happen. The MGW is an awesome shifter

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Yes you are right but now I have got a little grinding in the third gear shift when I am not really driving it hard.I all so notice a whine that sounds like a clutch but I will wait for it to get worse before I take it in.

I think that the car is a great car except for the tranny-shifter and I find it funny that with all the testing Ford has done on it that they didn't find the problem when testing.

I will wait a while and see if the tranny goes out before I ad a shifter because my dealer said that Ford put out a tsb that any mod's to the car voids the warrantee.

I am disapointed but guess I will just have to live with it all though I am a little worried about merging with traffic now after the last lock up.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It is the shifter, not the trans. Check out some earlier posts on the subject.



DA BOSS is right on point. I previously posted on the BOSS 302 Forum my experiences with the stock shifter. No complaints on the street but the moment you load the drivetrain on the track the soft bushings fail and the shift rods come out of alignment. It has nothing to do with the driver's ability to shift; fast or slow shifting up or down, once the driveline is loaded the shift rod will not allow you to shift until you completely unload the driveline. Needless to say you blew the corner.


Once I installed the MGW the shifts have been effortless on the track. Now if I miss a shift I am the only one to blame.


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Hi Randy

I would change the shifter in a minute but my dealer told me if I do I void my warrentee on the tranny.With the clutch whine at idle and the other little shifting problems no douth comeing from the shifter I think Ford should let us change the shifter without penalty's. I am a certified master mechanic and if Ford doesn't think I can install it right I would pay the dealer to do it if it wouldn't void my warrenty.

It just makes me kind of mad that after being a lifelong Ford man they pull this kind of stuff. It make's me think the Boss program is just a bunch of ad hype to sell other Mustang's and they really don't want you to take it to the track but just piddle around on the street.

Well I will get off my soapbox now.


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I am concerned about the warranty also, I will put the stock shifter back on before I go to the dealership if I have tranny problems.


My guess is that Ford knows their customers, and they KNEW if they put a performance shifter on the six-speed the customers would complain about noise, the shifter would make it too difficult to find the right gear, there is too much heat etc. etc.


An example is my girlfriend did not have any trouble shifting my BOSS with the stock shifter but she has so much trouble now that I will not let her drive the BOSS. She can't find reverse vs. first gear. Made me very nervous! I was fine with the stock shifter on the street, easy to shift but it is the weakest part on the BOSS on the track. Other than that FORD had a better idea when they built the BOSS for handling and performance.

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I think I will go ahead and get a new shifter. The only thing is the 2 to 3 hour install time and if something goes wrong It will have to be towed home and another 2 or 3 hour's to uninstall and time to install the stock shifter again.

I guess if this is the only option I guess I will go ahead and do it.

Thanks for all the help.


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