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VIN number / Build week assigned


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Finally, got my vin number yesterday afternoon, called SVT, and got a build week of June 25th.


Forward progress!


It seems like time just stops during the wait. Mine was built yesterday (6/8) and it feels like it's been a week!!

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It seems like time just stops during the wait. Mine was built yesterday (6/8) and it feels like it's been a week!!



Did you get any kind of delivery date yet?

Just wondering how long after build on average to take delivery.


Congrats on yours btw!

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Finally, got my vin number yesterday afternoon, called SVT, and got a build week of June 25th.


Forward progress!



Man, the ordering and production system at Ford has me totally confused. I see guys getting their builds scheduled for July. Now you get yours and it is June. That makes no sense to me. Seems like things would always be scheduled consecutively, but obviously that isn't true.


It is interesting to see how this is all working though. And I guess it gives me hope that my order could possibly get picked up and scheduled sooner than I think.

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I oredred the first week the bank opened and still no vin for me. My dealer told me because ford was making more track pack cars first.




Your dealer is LYING to you!




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Man, the ordering and production system at Ford has me totally confused. I see guys getting their builds scheduled for July. Now you get yours and it is June. That makes no sense to me. Seems like things would always be scheduled consecutively, but obviously that isn't true.


It is interesting to see how this is all working though. And I guess it gives me hope that my order could possibly get picked up and scheduled sooner than I think.



When did you place your order?

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When did you place your order?



Long story, but I originally placed on order in mid-April. That got cancelled about 3 weeks later because the dealer told me they weren't getting any more allocation. Found another dealer a week or so later and finally got my current order in the system around 5/10 or so. This is the dealer's first and only allocation.

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Long story, but I originally placed on order in mid-April. That got cancelled about 3 weeks later because the dealer told me they weren't getting any more allocation. Found another dealer a week or so later and finally got my current order in the system around 5/10 or so. This is the dealer's first and only allocation.



Probably won't be much longer.

I ordered on 4/27

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Your dealer is LYING to you!






I really doubt that is the case. Hes been in constant contact with me and isnt avoiding my calls or msgs. I ordered a candy red vert every option except recaros and I have noticed that most orders being filled are coupes.

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