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Pacific NW Meet & Greet Makes Local paper


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Pacific NW Meet & Greet Makes Local paper


Our local paper published a nice article on the Pacific NW Meet and Greet in todays Reflector.



I want to give a Special thanks to the following 4 local outfits. You really made the event a success.

1. The Field Kitchen for fantastic Food. Sandy’s team sure does treat us good. Yummy food and many choices made us all happy and full.064.jpg



2. The Band “There She Goes” as usual Amy and Christi’s 5 piece band sure do rock. The tunes hit the spot with our group and were not to loud and not to quiet. Just right. 157.jpg



3. Custom Crane Works. Will thanks so much for bringing your crane so the picture freaks could go crazy. 002-1.jpg



4. NW Mustangs and Classic fords car club – Thanks for all your help parking the cars and for the great showing of 17 cars and 30 people to help pay the bills. Without the clubs participation….the event would of fell short on funds. All bills were paid because of you guys. Tana and I are proud to be members of the club. 021.jpg



5. ….and last but not least….thanks to everyone that brought your fantastic cars to the event.


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