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SaShelby Club travel Schedule for 30 May 2012


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The SaShelby Club will be leaving Cowboys Dance Hall Parking lot at 10:00 AM on 30 May 2012 on our trip to Mt Pleasant for the Shelby event that night. Here is our travel route and our best guess on travel time. A lot depends on traffic on I-35 and getting through Austin and Dallas. If anyone would like to join our group along the way, either e-mail me (tbader@satx.rr.com) or call me on my cell at (210-685-1612) so we will know where to look for you as we travel along the route (exit number will help). The total mileage from San Antoino to Mt Pleasant is about 380 to 400 miles.


Leave 10:00 AM Cowboy Dance Hall Parking Lot.


I-35N 10:45 AM Austin mileage 66 miles


I-35N 11:30AM Rest Stop if needed just north of Jarrell


I-35N 12:15PM Waco gas stop, 93 miles from Austin Exit 330


I-35 N 1:15PM Dallas/I-635 bypass, 82 miles from Waco


I-635 BP 1:40PM Lunch Stop, TBD, 20 miles from I-30N


I-30N 4:00PM Mt Pleasant/Hotel, 106 miles from Dallas I-635 BP


Again, these are just estimated times, we may make better time do to the change in speed limits, and we are driving SHELBYS.


Any questions just contact me. But the main thing travel safe.



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In case y'all haven't picked out a lunch stop yet, there are plenty of choices as you get into Mesquite, especially if you take the Town East Blvd exit off of I635. That's about a mile before you get to I30.


Safe travels to all!

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