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CS Health update according to facebook


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Not sure if some of yall have seen this: http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=412096968814900&id=117534441604489


"There have been some rumors about my health lately. So I wanted to clear them up.


I’ve been in the hospital over the last several months with pneumonia. But I’m resting comfortably with my family and working on getting better. My kids are taking good care of me.


I am sorry that I can’t make any appearances right now. If you want someone from Shelby at an event in my place, contact Scott Black at TimePiece PR in Dallas. He’ll give those requests to my team, who will determine the right person to represent me.


I also have asked them to post on my behalf to keep you up to date.


Thanks for the all good wishes and thoughts."





At least the BS rumors about him going into hospice is false

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