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Radar Detector


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Would appreciate hearing what people are using for a radar detector-we don't do a lot of city driving in our rural area. We haven't bought one for years and I know they have really changed. We don't need one with GPS as we have a nav system. :speedie: Thanks so much!

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I use a Passport 9500ix. It's range is quite good and uses GPS only to alert you to speed traps and traffic cameras. It also learns what is a false alarm so rarely do I get the annoying alarms caused by security systems and door alerts (which wouldn't be an issue in the rural area). Since it has a GPS, it warns you based on your car's speed (faster needs more advance warning). Hope that helps.

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Valentine 1 (http://www.valentine1.com/) is the Shelby GT-500 KR/SS of all detectors. I've had my for the last 10 years. It lets you know how many and which direction to look. They all work to some degree but if you want the best, Valentine 1 is your only choice. All that being said, I recently purchased a Passport iQ also for some of it's other features. It's nice but doesn't have the range or direction pointer of the Valentine. I've used Escort/Passport/Valentine detectors for over 25 years and while they don't make you invisible, mine have saved my bacon many times over the years. Laser's and instant on can still get you if you're the only one on the road or leading the pack. You also have to realize you can't run 120 mph and hope to slow down in time normally. Running with mine have made me more aware, keep me closer to the limit, and saved me many a ticket over the years. I've had numerous times over the years where I've gotten a slight or early warning and backed off enough to have somebody pass me on the interstate or multi-lane roads only to see them get the ticket instead. I feel naked driving nowdays without one.

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