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Advice on my kids school

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We have 3 schools for my daughters she hitting 5 this summer. The school she got assigned to requires her to learn spanish. It's oneday class is spoken in english the day spanish, I don't like that being forced on us and her. Whats your take on that situation ??


It burns me up that my parents came here from italy and learned the language. I use to get spanish people walk into my PCT speak perfect english. Then demand a spanish speaking cop cause they think its there right to have it even the spanish cops would say this is spanish America. The cops would talk in the spanish and believe it or not I and 2 other cops can speak italian. Do you know they made complaint against us cause they felt uncomfortable and didn't know if we were talking about them. We were told not to do that around other cops. I still did it !! I'm talking also about college educated people demanding spanish be spoken to them.



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Future bilingual employees make for better wages.




A second and even a third additional Language will be very Beneficial to

your Daughter. Spanish is a great additional Language to learn along with Mandarin and

Italian of course would be good. All Bi-lingual, Tri-Lingual employees are definitely in demand in the

Employment Market Place. Age 5 is a very good age to start learning another Language.

I understand your concern's, but putting aside, 'current news events', and looking to the 'Her Future'

a second language will be beneficial to your Daughter.



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Wow! I am somewhat surprised at the comments. I do agree that fluency in other languages is always a plus-but I am not happy that Spanish is being forced on the United States of AMERICA! My grandparents came from Norway and my dad did not want my Grandmother speaking Norwegian because he said this is America and we need to speak English-what happened to that thought? However, I did learn to understand her in Norwegian and our conversation consisted of me in English and her in Norwegian. I am going to Norway this summer and hoping I can remember at least some of the language.

In my part of the country there is virtually no ethnic diversity but with the oil boom just north of us that is changing. I work in a hospital and we had to find somebody that was fluent in Spanish the other day when we had clients that spoke no English. That is only one of the areas that our world is changing in a huge way with the oil coming here. Williston ND is the largest Midwestern seller of Corvettes right now. Imagine that!

Happey Easter all.

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Spanish will only help your child, schools should not even teach French or Latin any longer, it does nothing for anyone unless they plan to move. The reality is knowing Spanish will greatly increase your daughters chance of getting a job later on in life, it is and will continue to be the fastest growing race in the United States. It will also help her understand the good things about diversity.


I say you should be OK with it, but at the same time I understand how you feel.

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Wow! I am somewhat surprised at the comments. I do agree that fluency in other languages is always a plus-but I am not happy that Spanish is being forced on the United States of AMERICA! My grandparents came from Norway and my dad did not want my Grandmother speaking Norwegian because he said this is America and we need to speak English-what happened to that thought? However, I did learn to understand her in Norwegian and our conversation consisted of me in English and her in Norwegian. I am going to Norway this summer and hoping I can remember at least some of the language.

In my part of the country there is virtually no ethnic diversity but with the oil boom just north of us that is changing. I work in a hospital and we had to find somebody that was fluent in Spanish the other day when we had clients that spoke no English. That is only one of the areas that our world is changing in a huge way with the oil coming here. Williston ND is the largest Midwestern seller of Corvettes right now. Imagine that!

Happey Easter all.



How can it hurt??? Think about the other classes children are "Forced" to take. Art??? Music??? Do you really think those will help a child more than a second language? I would argue a second language would help more than most classes, I wish I was bilingual.

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Our Daughter is 6 and is in Kindergarten. The school she goes to is a Spanish enrichment school and she could have the choice to go into a class that is taught half the day in English and the other half day in Spanish.......I was VERY against her going into that class as I feel we live in AMERICA and I do not understand the point of her learning spanish when we speak English in America.


She does have an hour a week spanish class so she is learning Spanish but its not being forced upon her as half her days lessons.


There are 3 elementary schools in the town she goes to school in and we live in the country so the school bus that picks her up will only bring her to that Spanish enrichment school. I'm cool with that but to put her into a class that makes you speak spanish for half the day is INSANE in my opinion.

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If Spanish is being FORCED unto us, can it be far behind that we will not longer be allowed to speak English?


I am all for learning another language, but this requirement is foreboding, I am sorry.


I guess it is coming full circle, the natives are taking back America. Can't say that I blame them.


But then shouldn't we be learning Cherokee or something like that?

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Our Daughter is 6 and is in Kindergarten. The school she goes to is a Spanish enrichment school and she could have the choice to go into a class that is taught half the day in English and the other half day in Spanish.......I was VERY against her going into that class as I feel we live in AMERICA and I do not understand the point of her learning spanish when we speak English in America.


She does have an hour a week spanish class so she is learning Spanish but its not being forced upon her as half her days lessons.


There are 3 elementary schools in the town she goes to school in and we live in the country so the school bus that picks her up will only bring her to that Spanish enrichment school. I'm cool with that but to put her into a class that makes you speak spanish for half the day is INSANE in my opinion.



This I absolutely would be against, I am not sure if this is what Racer was talking about. 1/2 the day in Spanish is absolutley ridiculous, learning spanish during on period like 2-3 days a week is what I think is more realistic.

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I say that learning a second language can be beneficial as well, but I feel that we as Americans need to stand our ground and be teaching mandatory English classes for all those that wish to come here LEGALLY. I feel that we should be given the option to speak a second laguage if we CHOOSE, not mandated.


If I were to travel to a non english speaking country I would be darn sure I knew at least enough to get me by while I am there. Such as hospital, help, police, restroom, and so on. I would not EXPECT those people in their homeland to know English just because I am coming to visit or live there.


Also, but most importantly I feel our country needs to teach proper English to our own children. From reading in many forums and facebook and such I cant believe how lazy our children have become when it comes to speaking and writing our OWN language.


MAKE ENGLISH A MANDATORY CLASS IN OUR SCHOOLS, not Spanish. I know English is a mandatory class but I think you understand my rant. Whew rant over.

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Spanish will only help your child, schools should not even teach French or Latin any longer, it does nothing for anyone unless they plan to move. The reality is knowing Spanish will greatly increase your daughters chance of getting a job later on in life, it is and will continue to be the fastest growing race in the United States. It will also help her understand the good things about diversity.


I say you should be OK with it, but at the same time I understand how you feel.


Yes it is the fastest upcoming but 80% of spanish are illegally here and we pay for them out of taxes !! I rather have my daughter turn down a job if they want spanish as first language or even second.

When I worked down town in NYC in the italian mobster section they spoke english even when they tried to fight us. I just dont like an english speaking spanish person demanding you get or speak spanish to them and most of all think its there right.

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This I absolutely would be against, I am not sure if this is what Racer was talking about. 1/2 the day in Spanish is absolutley ridiculous, learning spanish during on period like 2-3 days a week is what I think is more realistic.



Its oneday english the next day all spanish

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Our Daughter is 6 and is in Kindergarten. The school she goes to is a Spanish enrichment school and she could have the choice to go into a class that is taught half the day in English and the other half day in Spanish.......I was VERY against her going into that class as I feel we live in AMERICA and I do not understand the point of her learning spanish when we speak English in America.


She does have an hour a week spanish class so she is learning Spanish but its not being forced upon her as half her days lessons.


There are 3 elementary schools in the town she goes to school in and we live in the country so the school bus that picks her up will only bring her to that Spanish enrichment school. I'm cool with that but to put her into a class that makes you speak spanish for half the day is INSANE in my opinion.



+ 100000

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If Spanish is being FORCED unto us, can it be far behind that we will not longer be allowed to speak English?


I am all for learning another language, but this requirement is foreboding, I am sorry.


I guess it is coming full circle, the natives are taking back America. Can't say that I blame them.


But then shouldn't we be learning Cherokee or something like that?



Great point !!! One day I got pissed in homedepot due to them having every annoucement in spanish. Which you guys know is the specials going in that store, I told him its a law suit in the making by you not announcing the deals in english also. You give the deals to the spanish customer where the english speaking americans have to figure it out on there own. I also said is your emergency warning system in spanish also. They all know me in that store cause I have tons of money in there along with other english speaking customer. I said does corp know this is even going on he choked up. Before I left and everyday since that its in english. One thing that some may not like but if I hire a contractor he is told not to bring any illegals to my house. I pay taxes and so should his workers and most labor help is mexican. I would say a good 75% get paid and spend most to all there money on booze. I had to deal with them in the bronx Pct and then in the heights. When mexicans get drunk it turns into a blood bath and you had to take them down fast. But, I have also gone out of my way for the ones that are wise and are legal. Two mexican brothers bought a deli and I made sure they did get hassle by the losers in my PCT.

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I dare anyone to go into the DMV and ask for a italian or german translation. They will tell you go F yourself but they will sitdown with you if you only speak spanish.

In traffic court if a motorist spoke only spanish I will tell the fake judge. I have no time for this so either guilty or give them another date to come back and bring a translator.

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I have my children taking spanish.


Hola. Buenas Noches.


It will enrich your child's life.



I understand spanish and it does come handy when they are planning something or talking about you. But otherwise its not for me.

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I was talking to my wife about the half day Spanish and half day English class and she told me that it is FULL and there is a waiting list to get into the class. I could not believe it when she told me this info, I guess the class size is 26 and there were 33 that applied for the class so now its going to be determined by a Lottery system on which kids will be able to attend that class, she also told me that half the people that signed up are White and the other half are Hispanics. This class starts for 1st grade so I was wrong when I thought it was also for Kindergarten.


10 Years ago there were hardly any Hispanics in Minnesota, actually most of them were seasonal workers..........NOT anymore now a days there are huge Hispanic communitys that have made Minnesota there home which is fine with me if they are here legally. I have read that by 2020 there will be more Hispanics in America than Whites I find this info hard to believe but it looks like it could end up being true.


My wife is British and last summer she became a US citizen and I went to her Naturalization ceremony it was actually a very moving experience that I felt proud to be able to attend. There were 750 people that day that became US citizens and out of the 750 only 3 were British, at least 350 were Somalians, 300 were Hispanics and most of the rest were Asians. I was very shocked by these numbers she was just a little tiny white polka dot in a sea of brown. I am not saying that was bad or good it just was very obvious. If you haven't ever attended a Naturalization ceremony I highly recommend you attend its a very moving experience.

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I live in the southwest and there are many communities out here that do not speak english period. If you do not speak spanish you are SOL. My kids have been taking spanish since they were 5, both are pretty fluent at this point in time. I know enough to ask directions and inadvertantly insult someone's mother.


Being that the number of spanish speaking americans is on the rise, I think it makes sense to learn it as a second language. It will also help them better understand english and be able to break down sentences etc. If not spanish, I'd go with chinesse as that will be a valuable skill as well.

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I was talking to my wife about the half day Spanish and half day English class and she told me that it is FULL and there is a waiting list to get into the class. I could not believe it when she told me this info, I guess the class size is 26 and there were 33 that applied for the class so now its going to be determined by a Lottery system on which kids will be able to attend that class, she also told me that half the people that signed up are White and the other half are Hispanics. This class starts for 1st grade so I was wrong when I thought it was also for Kindergarten.


10 Years ago there were hardly any Hispanics in Minnesota, actually most of them were seasonal workers..........NOT anymore now a days there are huge Hispanic communitys that have made Minnesota there home which is fine with me if they are here legally. I have read that by 2020 there will be more Hispanics in America than Whites I find this info hard to believe but it looks like it could end up being true.


My wife is British and last summer she became a US citizen and I went to her Naturalization ceremony it was actually a very moving experience that I felt proud to be able to attend. There were 750 people that day that became US citizens and out of the 750 only 3 were British, at least 350 were Somalians, 300 were Hispanics and most of the rest were Asians. I was very shocked by these numbers she was just a little tiny white polka dot in a sea of brown. I am not saying that was bad or good it just was very obvious. If you haven't ever attended a Naturalization ceremony I highly recommend you attend its a very moving experience.



I am not shocked at all, anyone in the Business world knows this opens all type of executive opportunities and would absolutely be the deciding factor between one who is bilingual and one who is not. I also agree Chinese would be another that would benefit some. French and Latin should not even be taught any longer.


Keep trying to fight change, reality is you should want what is right for your child.


Again I agree 100% any person coming to the US should be fluent in English, but that should not make me think my child learning spanish is a bad thing. They are 2 totally different subjects in my eyes.

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I live in the southwest and there are many communities out here that do not speak english period. If you do not speak spanish you are SOL. My kids have been taking spanish since they were 5, both are pretty fluent at this point in time. I know enough to ask directions and inadvertantly insult someone's mother.


Being that the number of spanish speaking americans is on the rise, I think it makes sense to learn it as a second language. It will also help them better understand english and be able to break down sentences etc. If not spanish, I'd go with chinesse as that will be a valuable skill as well.



+ 100 on asian language

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I was talking to my wife about the half day Spanish and half day English class and she told me that it is FULL and there is a waiting list to get into the class. I could not believe it when she told me this info, I guess the class size is 26 and there were 33 that applied for the class so now its going to be determined by a Lottery system on which kids will be able to attend that class, she also told me that half the people that signed up are White and the other half are Hispanics. This class starts for 1st grade so I was wrong when I thought it was also for Kindergarten.


10 Years ago there were hardly any Hispanics in Minnesota, actually most of them were seasonal workers..........NOT anymore now a days there are huge Hispanic communitys that have made Minnesota there home which is fine with me if they are here legally. I have read that by 2020 there will be more Hispanics in America than Whites I find this info hard to believe but it looks like it could end up being true.


My wife is British and last summer she became a US citizen and I went to her Naturalization ceremony it was actually a very moving experience that I felt proud to be able to attend. There were 750 people that day that became US citizens and out of the 750 only 3 were British, at least 350 were Somalians, 300 were Hispanics and most of the rest were Asians. I was very shocked by these numbers she was just a little tiny white polka dot in a sea of brown. I am not saying that was bad or good it just was very obvious. If you haven't ever attended a Naturalization ceremony I highly recommend you attend its a very moving experience.



Well congrats to the wife !! I think russia will be a good move for the family and their naturaliztion class only require you to be able to down a bottle of vodka. Then smash the bottle on someones head :hysterical2:

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the one day in Spanish, one day in English is over the top IMO.......but a second langauge class in itself can only enhance your childs life IMO.


Knowledge is still power!



Hey Mikey


I totally agree with you on knowledge is power. My father made out just fine learning english and my kid sister is also doing fine as a VP of a finacial corp. I just feel like we are getting spanish rammed down our throats and by next month all traffic signs and anything in english will be in spanish. Maybe next year to renew your drivers license we have to retake the test in spanish and a road test with all spanish signs. Lets not leave out the driving instructor only speaks spanish.

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I predict it won't be long before we'll have instant translators (in our smartphones, etc.) so we all "hear" each other in our own languages and they'll be no need to learn other languages.

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the one day in Spanish, one day in English is over the top IMO.......but a second langauge class in itself can only enhance your childs life IMO.


Knowledge is still power!



A second language is good and a third language is even better. When Sarah grew up in England she also learned to speak German and French but Spanish was not a major language that was taught in British schools. Spain is just a hop, skip and a jump from England so its sort of odd that Spanish wasn't really pressed onto the British students.

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Well congrats to the wife !! I think russia will be a good move for the family and their naturaliztion class only require you to be able to down a bottle of vodka. Then smash the bottle on someones head :hysterical2:



Hey one of my best friends is a Russian and he would agree with this comment 1000% he sure loves is Vodka

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