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No More SVTPP Stripes


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I'm one of those people who, like the 2010 revised taillight treatment, at first hated the narrow SVTPP stripes but grew to actually prefer them. I especially like the contrasting pinstripe (Black or Silver) that really sets-off the stripe against the body color. I'm very disappointed the 2013 has reverted to the traditional wider, single-color stripes ONLY.


I've been trying to imagine why Ford would make such an arbitrary decision over an item that otherwise has so few ramifications in terms of supporting them. I'm all for keeping things simple, but not at the expense of denying options that incrementally cost virtually nothing people and people should otherwise be able to freely choose.


However, I've replaced several sections of SVTPP stripe during the 2 years I've had them - which has been anything BUT cheap. I'm wondering if people have needed to replace sections of the traditional stripes at similar rates and whether the narrowness of the stripe has anything to do with their overall adhesion quality, which COULD be a legitimate reason for deciding to not offer them going forward.


Would like to know others' thoughts/experiences.

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According to the 2011 numbers I have (I don't have 2012 numbers), the SVTPP was ordered on 3,748 cars out of the total 5,100 produced (4,150 coupes and 950 convertibles) for a percentage of 73%. So, only 27% of Shelbys (the non-SVTPP cars, of which 1,352 were made) could have had the traditional monochromatic stripe colors. The production figures for monochromatic stripes (White, Silver, Gr. Blue, Red and Sat. Black)) total 1,254. So that means 1,254 out of 1,352 non-SVTPP cars came through with stripes, and only 98 were stripe-delete, for a deletion rate of 7.25%


Of the 3,748 cars with the SVTPP that were eligible for the narrow, two-color stripes, the total production figures for the two- color stripes (Red/Blk, Wht/Blk, Red/Ingot) were 1,920. So, that means 1,828 SVTPP cars were stripe-delete, for a deletion rate of 48.8% I think the fact that the stripe delete rate was running about 7:1 greater for SVTPP versus non-SVTPP cars, told Ford loud and clear that most people did NOT like the narrow stripe.


Yes, I know Ford gave buyers no $$$ in credit for deleting the stripe (the deletion saves them mucho $$$$ and they pass none of it on to the buyer asking for the delete), but at the end of the day a lot of people who wanted the SVTPP must have felt pretty disgusted about being so turned off by the narrow stripes that they had to accept not having the twin stripes on the car. The stripes are a Shelby trademark after all.


So, hats off to Ford for making the SVTPP tires of the 2011-2012 SVTPP cars basically standard for 2013 (when 73% of cars come with SVTPP, it's time to make it the standard...) and dropping the narrow stripe idea, which had a high customer rejection rate. Like the OP, I too like the narrow stripes on my black 2011 SVTPP, but the wide stripes on the 2013 look pretty cool too.......

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I never liked the narrow stripes but totally agree that they should be made an option for the people


that do like them...Same as wheels there should be at least 4 diff color options and 2-3 diff styles IMO.

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IMO, I think alot of the svtpp buyers opted for "stripe-delete" because of the limited stripe colors, and not because they dis-liked the narrow stripes. I didnt like them too much when I first saw them, but grew to like them more than the traditional wide stripes. I think if Ford offered the svt-stripes in more colors, they would have sold much better.....

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I see too many mustangs these days running the traditional fat "Shelby" stripes, it makes the car look cheap IMO as it is just a single wide vinyl stripe.


The 2011-2012 GT500 stripes on SVT PP cars were based upon the GT40 Mark IV that won the lemans so I think it was only a 2 year run from the beginning.


More stripe deletes is because the stripes are becoming too common, not because of the "narrow" stripes.

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never liked the narrow stripes, reminds me of christmas present tied with ribbon. Have always preferred the wider stripes or the super snake stripes. no stripes is also nice but the side stripes with GT500 on them are essential.. would be nice to have more stripe options both in terms of color and size but stripes for the shelby should be exclusive and not available on other mustang models imho...

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My 08 vapour and wider black stripes ..... Narrow stripes look too add on affect.....Wider stripes make a louder statement...Club member has stripe delete(car looks boring) Oh well WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT......Ford should offer the option.....

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