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Ruf rocks!


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Just stopped in the shop to go over things. He'd like me to come up with a GT tailpipe, and he'll fabricate the rest for $150, with an X or H. He thinks it'll sound funny though, says a 6 doesn't sound good 'split'. I think the X will help that.


So, next quest is a GT tailpipe.


- Tony

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Ok, it's been an hour slow-poke...let's move it :rant:


I have less patience than a Siberian heat stroke doctor. :hysterical2:


Haha. Small delay - I'm watching the kids for a while so the wife could run some errands.


I have one bolt left in, and the old one's out.


- Tony

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Lou Marini "Blue Lou"


The tenor sax player in the "Blues Brothers" who worked at the soul food café where Aretha sings her version of "Think" to Matt Murphy. Also the sax player who pops out of the Mummy Case during Steve Martin's "King Tut" performance on Saturday Night Live. Proud alumnus of the 1 o'clock jazz band at North Texas State.





BTW: Good on you, Ruf! :banana piano:

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Tony - Amazon box just came!


Blues Brothers cd (which I have on vinyl but not on cd!!) and a DVD Blues Bros Documentary!!


Very thoughtful, man.


Thanks :happy feet:


Glad you enjoy the gifts man, it was the least I could do.


I had to take the muffler to the shop to get bumped out, the clamp on yours was tight enough to crush it a bit, and it wouldn't fit. Now I'm stumped by the little nub on my tailpipe. My old muffler is notched on the end to match it, this one isn't. Should I cut the input side of the muffler, or remove the little nub off the tailpipe?


- Tony

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It's on!


Sounds great!


Might need a bit of adjustment, it's close to the plastic. Which means taking it off and bending the hangers. And I tightened it down. Damnit. How much clearance do I need?


Pics & sounds coming soon!


- Tony

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It's on!


Sounds great!


Might need a bit of adjustment, it's close to the plastic. Which means taking it off and bending the hangers. And I tightened it down. Damnit. How much clearance do I need?


Pics & sounds coming soon!


- Tony


you should be able to get your finger between bumper and pipe

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It's back on, and adjusted perfectly - I can run a finger around from one side to the other, and it is just brushing the bumper the whole way.


Uploading some sound files now - it ain't bad for a 6.


- Tony



Cool!!! Can't wait to hear it!!!

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Alright, here it is. The first 6 seconds is the stock v6 exhaust. The rest is the single Bassani.


The microphone sucked, and it was recorded on an old minidisc player (yes, I have a portable minidisc player. No, I didn't steal it from a museum)


Hopefully the volume is ok. The mic was a bit too close both times, I think.


- Tony



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Alright, here it is. The first 6 seconds is the stock v6 exhaust. The rest is the single Bassani.


The microphone sucked, and it was recorded on an old minidisc player (yes, I have a portable minidisc player. No, I didn't steal it from a museum)


Hopefully the volume is ok. The mic was a bit too close both times, I think.


- Tony



Hell of a difference. Sounds good.



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Hell of a difference. Sounds good.




I gotta say again, thanks to Ruf. Ran to grab dinner for my family... and was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. I've always enjoyed driving without music and listening to the sound of an engine, but this is awesome. It's hard not to hit the gas just so I can hear it. At idle it's quiet, no one notices. But every time I left a stoplight the person next to me thought I was trying to race, lol.


It's great Ruf. As you like to say, good form.


- Tony

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Tony - You've very welcome. That's what this site is all about. We all Rock. And we help each other out when we can. I'm booting up Co-pilots computer so I can play the clip. My sound card or something just quit working.

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Tony - You've very welcome. That's what this site is all about. We all Rock. And we help each other out when we can. I'm booting up Co-pilots computer so I can play the clip. My sound card or something just quit working.



Honestly the clip is mediocre next to the actual sound. I really need a better microphone, and an easier way to record. But it gets the point across.


It does not sound like the same car. At all.


- Tony

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Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! :happy feet:


Oh, Daddy!


Good Form.


Bassanis Rule!


What a difference.


I'm so glad they (it) fit. I know you've been eager for this to happen for some time, bro.


Let my pipes sing, you hear?


You ought to hear my Race Bassanis!!



Sorry I wasn't around for a while - I teach p/t at ECU on Monday nights.


PS - got any tunnels or overpasses nearby? :hysterical2:

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Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! :happy feet:


Oh, Daddy!


Good Form.


Bassanis Rule!


What a difference.


I'm so glad they (it) fit. I know you've been eager for this to happen for some time, bro.


Let my pipes sing, you hear?


You ought to hear my Race Bassanis!!

Sorry I wasn't around for a while - I teach p/t at ECU on Monday nights.


PS - got any tunnels or overpasses nearby? :hysterical2:



That's only one Ruf, imagine what it would sound like with duals!!!


Way to help out a fellow Stanger Ruf, I toast you with the Sam Adams I'm enjoying right now........... :hysterical2:

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Almost forgot to post this, was hilarious.


I'd just gotten the muffler on (the first time) and my wife sticks her head in the garage, asks how it's going. I said great, want to listen, about to fire it up for the first time. She says "But it's just one, it won't sound different till you get two, right?"


I just smiled, and turned the key. Her eyes got real big, she smiled, and says "Wow. Uh, WOW. Is that two? That can't be one? It's one? WOW. Let's get the kids a sitter, and go for a drive!"


Yeah, it's that good.


- Tony

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