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ok so i was at cars and coffee this past saturday in dallas texas and saw a GT500 with quarter window dress up on it that i like. so i went online to find it to buy it and nothing can anyone tell me where to buy this quarter window dress up part? its black and fits flush on the window and has SHELBY etched on it in the lower left corner, also have the billit hex screws in it as well


or if anyone know the owner send him my way thanks



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I was there too. I met the fellow that owns the car but didn't ask where he got those. The one in the link above is similar but it blocks out the entire window. The one you are wanting (like at C and C) has the center cut out so you can still see through the window.


Hope someone here can help.



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I'm pretty sure that he cut or had the centers cut from the block of plates to make those. Shelby has never made any like that.

I got a close look at them wen I was checking out his fuel door. They didn't seem to be cut out. It was a very clean look

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I got a close look at them wen I was checking out his fuel door. They didn't seem to be cut out. It was a very clean look


yeah I remember looking at these too, and he's right they were basically a window frame with some simulated rivets that you can see through. I thought I recall him saying he got them from quantum a few years back.

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