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Volunteers needed....


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Team Shelby PCR is a member of the Southern California car club council and helps organize the Fabulous Fords Forever show.


Part of our responsibility is to stuff goodie bags on Saturday and help park the Shelbys on Sunday morning.


Please let me know if you would like to volunteer.


We will come up with a t-shirt for those who help and FFF provides volunteers a chicken dinner for lunch on Sunday.


Thank you



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What time would we need to be in place by on both days? I may be able to help and might have a couple more hands for you as well.


Saturday at 11:30AM at Knott's to stuff bags.


Sunday 7:00AM at Knott's to park cars (BTW you get in early)


email me at pacificcoast@teamshelby.com



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A chicked dinner for lunch? haha. I may be helping on saturday anyway since a friend is on the FFF council and has volunteered me. Hope to see some of you there.



Bruce, can you volunteer on behalf of Team Shelby?

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If you are going to help with parking on Sunday you need to enter between 5am and 6am if you have your car entered in the show. There will be coffee and danish free for everyone, and a parking meeting at 6:30am. Hand out vests and get your assignments. Gates open to all cars at 7am. So we need to be ready by then.



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