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Shelby should come to this event


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I wish Shelby would come to Daytona and bring some cars during our huge "ART of the Auotombile" event next May. It was on Speed channel with Barry Meguire last year. A fabulous event to show case cars on Beach Street downtown Daytona. Very cool cars of all eras. Lots of $$$$$ collectables, race cars, old cars , classics, muscle, sports, you name it, it was there. A beutiful setting to show your cars. One of the best upper scale events I ever went to. 3 x larger next MAY. A great place to see lots of rich people drag out a great amont super cool auotss. Dressing in period clothing with cocktail stands and fine dinning availabe streetside. Come on SHELBY, come down to Florida in May and have a blast. This is a must event with thing to do. All displayed in grand style. Daytona has history like no other place. The birthplace of racing!!!!!!!!


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