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Hooray for Rob and TS


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Glad to see that Sharon and Robert Lane took care of getting back to Grabber in "supercharged" / TS fashion!!


All is well that ends well....


And, thanks again Rob for all that you do for the TS sight and the members!

(Thanks to Sharon and Robert Lane, too!)



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Robert and Sharon have done really good work.


Whether or not it was just an misunderstanding or lack of comuinication doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad it worked out. And Rob and the guys are happy with the outcome.


I was on a board at Learjet for 5 years and something very similar happened but Learjet took the punk way out, they thought I would cave, but like Rob, I said I wasn't going to take my toys and go home, but rather still be there. They didn't see the importance of it. It was sad, it cost them roughly $10mil+ in sales because they thought they owned us owners/operators and could do what they wanted.


TS has been more than just forum for a lot of us, it's the same as the corner bar for me in a big city. I fly all over the country and it's nice to get in my room and see what's going on with other owners and keep up to date with them. There has been a lot of times I speak with new owners of Shelby's that have no idea it's here and really appreciate finding out.there is someplace to go to learn about just how special a car they have and the great bunch of people that run it and belong to it. Well, except for a couple of us old soarheads.


I think there should be a packet in every new owners manual of every GT500 with TS info in it. The site and club now has grown into something that just about every owner would appreciate, if they just knew it was here.


Sorry if by my posts this got started, I probably should have just PM Robert and left it alone.



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I must have missed something? Just 'what' got worked out? Just curious and of course it may be none of my business as well. But I sure love this forum! I log in here more than I do my FB page!



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Grabber/Rob - There are a lot of folks here that have your back including me. Haven't been here very long, but long enough to tell the folks that really stand out and my friend that would be you. I've been part of many forums but this one is very unique in what we all have in common; a beast of a car that when put against most will not disappoint and brings a smile from ear to ear each time you take her out. The passion you have for your car bleeds right into this forum. You've been an extreme proponent to this great American machine as well as this great forum.


TexasShelby - Thanks for starting this thread!




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Robert and Sharon have done really good work.


Whether or not it was just an misunderstanding or lack of comuinication doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad it worked out. And Rob and the guys are happy with the outcome.


I was on a board at Learjet for 5 years and something very similar happened but Learjet took the punk way out, they thought I would cave, but like Rob, I said I wasn't going to take my toys and go home, but rather still be there. They didn't see the importance of it. It was sad, it cost them roughly $10mil+ in sales because they thought they owned us owners/operators and could do what they wanted.


TS has been more than just forum for a lot of us, it's the same as the corner bar for me in a big city. I fly all over the country and it's nice to get in my room and see what's going on with other owners and keep up to date with them. There has been a lot of times I speak with new owners of Shelby's that have no idea it's here and really appreciate finding out.there is someplace to go to learn about just how special a car they have and the great bunch of people that run it and belong to it. Well, except for a couple of us old soarheads.


I think there should be a packet in every new owners manual of every GT500 with TS info in it. The site and club now has grown into something that just about every owner would appreciate, if they just knew it was here.


Sorry if by my posts this got started, I probably should have just PM Robert and left it alone.




You know how to tell a pilot is in the room?

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