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My 84 Shelby Charger has just been in a Flood What should I do

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Get a case o two of wd-40 and spray the heck out of it. Inside outside upside down. dry the interior out with a dehumidifier...get marvel mystery oil in cylinders now asap or diesel by removing the plugs...DO NOT turn over engine if water is in cylinders....remove plugs and roll over by hand first and get some oil on tbe cylinders quickly. tranny an rear en need same treatment...oil fresh get water out and do it sooner than later...hope this helps, if salt eater rinse with fresh everywhere first... this is all I know.

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Thank You, My husband and neighbor said I should sell if for parts. This was the first brand new car I bought. I never drove it in the winter because I knew I wanted it to last foever. It has never been wrecked other than door dings. The paint was thin whe built so it needed some work and new paint. the interior was mint. the only change from when I bought off the showroom floor was the radio and that was a chysler cassette radio that we put in. This is my baby. The flooding was from tropical storm Lee. The flooding was muddy river water. The interior has a light layer of mud all over it should I hose it? I don't think I could do any more damage to it. Should I remove the door panels? It would make it so that I could remove all water aqnd mud , but then the panels may warp. My husband says it will cost me more than the car is worth to fix it. The genral opinion is that I grow up and accept the loss. It was stored waiting to be restored and has no insurence coverage. I broke my knee a few years ago and due to the fact it has a clutch we had not put it back on the road. Broken Hearted

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A friend of mine bought (knowing it was) a Katrina flood '03 Mach 1 and had it back on the street a few weeks after the storm. The oddest thing was that the steering had locked up due to the water getting into and seizing the steering shaft (shows you just what was in the water, right?). The carpet cleaned up and he changed the transmission and rear end fluids. Brakes were fine, and all of the electricals worked properly. He kept it over a year and it never gave the slightest problem. He sold it (flood salvage title and all) with full disclosure and the car is still around to this day.

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