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Why I keep this car too.......

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Sunday was stinking hot in Western KY and making about a 200 mile round trip to visit parents (all in their late 80's) we chose to drive the GT 500. I ran it through the car wash upon leaving church and made sure it was presentable. Just to make sure I had dried it properly I cranked her up to about 110 when that awful squalking noise began from the passenger seat. We averaged just over 50 for the 200 miles at 19.1 mpg, never a hint of overheating or lack of cool air from the a/c. The heat index was well over 100 when I pulled into a drive-in near Kentucky lake. This one has real car hops, not on skates, who come to the car and take your order. There must have been 75 cars at this little place and as we pulled in and backed up to park, my wife said, well, you certainly got all their attention. I looked around and sure 'nuff, most eyes were on me as I parked. We had been sitting there a few minutes when this kid, maybe 11 or 12, came over grinning. He said, "How fast you had this thing?" I said I'd hit 129 with it once and he gave a long whistle. He said "I thought it was just another Mustang 'till I saw the snake on the side and said damn, that's a Shelby!" As they were leaving his mom said "I had to talk him out of coming back and asking for a ride."


Man, I love this car!

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That's just awesome.


Gotta love kids.


I was at an autocross event about a month ago and had a younger boy and his mom looking over my car. The boy appeared to have something wrong with him (slight mental handicap maybe) but just the nicest kid, maybe 17 or 18. He just wouldn't leave my car so my wife points out how happy he looked. I went over and started talking to him and he said he had never seen a car like mine before. I asked him if he wanted to sit in it and check it out. He started to shake and yelled at his mom "I get to sit inside mom". He sat in the car for only a few seconds but his mom pulled me aside and said that I had just made his day. That really put a whole new perspective on things for me.

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I was at an autocross event about a month ago and had a younger boy and his mom looking over my car. The boy appeared to have something wrong with him (slight mental handicap maybe) but just the nicest kid, maybe 17 or 18. He just wouldn't leave my car so my wife points out how happy he looked. I went over and started talking to him and he said he had never seen a car like mine before. I asked him if he wanted to sit in it and check it out. He started to shake and yelled at his mom "I get to sit inside mom". He sat in the car for only a few seconds but his mom pulled me aside and said that I had just made his day. That really put a whole new perspective on things for me.




Bless your heart man!


I hope that brings you some great karma down the road.




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I cranked her up to about 110 when that awful squalking noise began from the passenger seat.





Wow!!! This sounds serious. Do you know how to fix that awful squaking noise? Faster, faster, she said!!! The lights are turning red....................

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I'll interject here and pulla Speedyman.........


Thats a bunch of BS. 129? Yeah right. No way. I mean a stock, Factory, off the assembly line gt500 loses to any Corvette everyday.

No way some kid notices the Snake and knows it a Shelby. More likely he simply knew it wasn't a Corvette. Most eyes on you? C'mon man. They were all just wondering who it was that wasn't driving a Corvette.










Sorry. Couldn't help it after reading his other posts. Just had to.

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Hats off to you!



Not to Hijack this thread.....

I was at a car show this last weekend with my 1969 Mach1 428CJ and had 3 different youngsters (ages 6-12) stop by several times and "admire" the car. I let each of them sit in the car and have their parents take pictures.

The way I see it, if we want the hobby to survive, we need to inspire the youngin's to keep it going.


My favorite story of this nature started about 5 years ago , when a high school senior asked if he could have his dad take some pictures of him by my car for a class project. The student ended up writting a paper about Mach1 428's in general and used the pics he took with my car in the paper and also for his senior picture that year.


I found all of this out 3 years after the original event when I pulled into the car show and the parking assistant stopped me and asked if I remembered him. He then thanked me again and expressed how that day 3 years earlier, was imbedded in his memory for ever.

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Not to Hijack this thread.....

I was at a car show this last weekend with my 1969 Mach1 428CJ and had 3 different youngsters (ages 6-12) stop by several times and "admire" the car. I let each of them sit in the car and have their parents take pictures.

The way I see it, if we want the hobby to survive, we need to inspire the youngin's to keep it going.


My favorite story of this nature started about 5 years ago , when a high school senior asked if he could have his dad take some pictures of him by my car for a class project. The student ended up writting a paper about Mach1 428's in general and used the pics he took with my car in the paper and also for his senior picture that year.


I found all of this out 3 years after the original event when I pulled into the car show and the parking assistant stopped me and asked if I remembered him. He then thanked me again and expressed how that day 3 years earlier, was imbedded in his memory for ever.





Your passage in red above is soooo true. WE need to pass the Ford Mustang and Shelby history on to the next generation. Look at it this way, it will create future buyers of our vehicles when we no longer will need them.

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Sunday was stinking hot in Western KY and making about a 200 mile round trip to visit parents (all in their late 80's) we chose to drive the GT 500. I ran it through the car wash upon leaving church and made sure it was presentable. Just to make sure I had dried it properly I cranked her up to about 110 when that awful squalking noise began from the passenger seat. We averaged just over 50 for the 200 miles at 19.1 mpg, never a hint of overheating or lack of cool air from the a/c. The heat index was well over 100 when I pulled into a drive-in near Kentucky lake. This one has real car hops, not on skates, who come to the car and take your order. There must have been 75 cars at this little place and as we pulled in and backed up to park, my wife said, well, you certainly got all their attention. I looked around and sure 'nuff, most eyes were on me as I parked. We had been sitting there a few minutes when this kid, maybe 11 or 12, came over grinning. He said, "How fast you had this thing?" I said I'd hit 129 with it once and he gave a long whistle. He said "I thought it was just another Mustang 'till I saw the snake on the side and said damn, that's a Shelby!" As they were leaving his mom said "I had to talk him out of coming back and asking for a ride."


Man, I love this car!




Great stuff Hal............. happy%20feet.gif . "awful squalking noise began from the passenger seat" .................. :hysterical: . too funny.

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That's just awesome.


Gotta love kids.


I was at an autocross event about a month ago and had a younger boy and his mom looking over my car. The boy appeared to have something wrong with him (slight mental handicap maybe) but just the nicest kid, maybe 17 or 18. He just wouldn't leave my car so my wife points out how happy he looked. I went over and started talking to him and he said he had never seen a car like mine before. I asked him if he wanted to sit in it and check it out. He started to shake and yelled at his mom "I get to sit inside mom". He sat in the car for only a few seconds but his mom pulled me aside and said that I had just made his day. That really put a whole new perspective on things for me.




Well done my Shelby brother.......... :rockon:

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These cars do bring alot of joy to everyone, I've made a personal challenge to myself to drive mine more. All the heads you turn while driving can somtimes be dangerous . Everytime I'm out in it, I can bet I'll have a very long conversation about the car with a total stranger somewhere. :D


p,s, I hope speedyman doesnt rain on this topic....

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If you do not enjoy talking to people driveing this car will drive you crazzy.i can be stoped at a stop light and have some one asking me questons.when i go to the car wash it never fails to get someone attention,i enjoy talking to people so it works out well for me. :peelout:

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Ah, I live in the UK and the amount of kids who come up with "is that a shelby?" blows me away, How does a kid in Essex UK know what the heck a shelby is? the grins you get from kids too young to know are awesome as well. They just like it, they don't know what it is but they like it.


Now lets chat about near 19mpg, best I have done driving like a granny is 14.2mpg.



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I get that same noise, it kicks in as soon as the blower starts whining and the wheels break loose..




Very cool story! I think the noise is a factory defect cause mine does it too! :burnout: :hysterical:



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I bought my DT500 in Jan. 07. Performance white, blue stripes. I live in AZ. drove it to Grand Canyon in the spring that year. While parking it in a lot to go and grab a bite to eat, a tour bus full of young adults pulled into the lot and parked. The bus was full of college age men and women from Germany. Almost all the guys came over to see my car as I was getting out of it. Out came the cameras and they asked if it was O.K. if they took pictures of it. Of coarse it was my time to show it off so I gave them the low down on the car and opened the hood and stuff, turned on a tape and blasted them with the Shaker 1000. The car got more attention than the several Elk grazing in the field nearby. Very nice and polite young men and women.

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I was going down the turnpike a couple of years ago and car full of teenagers pulled up next to me. I was thinking that they wanted to race, but actually they were snapping pictures on their cell phones and giving me the thumbs-up. These cars do draw lots of attention, not to mention they are a blast to drive!

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