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Reputation rating stinks


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Hey Shelby Brothers and Sisters,


I just went in and changed a few things in my profile and saw that I have a NEGATIVE 6 rating..:shrug: ..WHAT the HELLP, am I really that much of a prick to have a negative rating?


Please help me remove that -6 rating by clicking that little positive at the right hand corner of this thread. :beerchug:


I know I speak my mind and sometimes can be a little overbearing but to not be liked so much sort of hurts my feelings.. :heartbreaker: ......:sos::grouphug:





PS: How many of you think the rating system is LAME :evil2.0:

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Well, now you're another negative for causing trouble :slapfight::hysterical:


We have revamped this for the next version of TS already. A site test should be up by the end of July.



WOW........ is it really possible for him to get any lower??????? :hysterical:

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It sort of cool you can raise or lower someones post rating and I suppose the reasoning is its one of those things that will stop people from posting all sorts of crap if they get enough negatives but then someone can come along and turn that negative into a postive.


What happens if you get too many negative does Carroll show up at your home to kick your A$$? :idea:

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It sort of cool you can raise or lower someones post rating and I suppose the reasoning is its one of those things that will stop people from posting all sorts of crap if they get enough negatives but then someone can come along and turn that negative into a postive.


What happens if you get too many negative does Carroll show up at your home to kick your A$$? :idea:



If that's true, I'll stay up all night clicking my own 'negative'.......It would be awesome to open my door and find Mr. Shelby standing there (even if he did show up to kick my A$$).



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It sort of cool you can raise or lower someones post rating and I suppose the reasoning is its one of those things that will stop people from posting all sorts of crap if they get enough negatives but then someone can come along and turn that negative into a postive.What happens if you get too many negative does Carroll show up at your home to kick your A$$? :idea:



You know what they say......."There is no such thing as Bad Press".............. :hysterical:

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If that's true, I'll stay up all night clicking my own 'negative'.......It would be awesome to open my door and find Mr. Shelby standing there (even if he did show up to kick my A$).





Yeah that would be severe punishment wouldn't it. Unfortunatley we can't rate our own post if we could I would already be +2562 :hysterical:

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Looks like it's in the positive now :superhero:



Your Welcome :slapfight:


THANKS SCOTT.....Thats what friends are for. Can't wait to hang out in Deereborn, I am really looking forward to seeing the Ford mustang tour.

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I gave ya a thumbs up dude!


Thanks Randy I know I can always count on you. I gave you a big ole + as well.


Actually anybody that posts in this thread will get a Plus from me except for Robert...LOL :devil:

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Thanks Randy I know I can always count on you. I gave you a big ole + as well.


Actually anybody that posts in this thread will get a Plus from me except for Robert...LOL :devil:



You DO know that Robert can change all the +'s you get into -'s don't you? :hysterical:

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Yesterday I had a Neutrel -6 rating, now I am at a -11 with a poor rating and to boot I just paid for my Team Shelby membership last night, glad to see I am getting my moneys worth. :fan::victory:







Too dayum funny...


Good luck with your rating.


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Here ya go................ :grouphug:



Thanks My500SS.


I was up to +9 yesterday and now I am at a negative -12 today.


I bet I can guess who the trouble maker is he perfers to call the GTS a SGTS...:slapfight::hysterical: J/K



Robert I can't wait for this new system you speak of

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Oh man NordicShelby..........YOUR NOW A ZERO.......................... :hysterical::hysterical2: Kinda makes you want to cry, you no longer exist......... :cry:



I'm tough as a wooden nail I can handle it.


Last time I cried is when the Ford dealer screwed up my rear bumper when the replaced the cats under warranty, at least they replaced the bumper at their expense and all is good now.

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