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Hillbank / Superformance/ Shelby Distribution Open House - Saturday July 16th!


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Hey guys!

So we are hammering out the details right now, but Hillbank Motorsports is going to have our open house on Saturday July 16th. You can come down and see our parts show room as well as our Superformance show room!


Hillbank will have the featured marque at Cars and Coffee, currently with space for 30 cars. Please RSVP to JaredC@HillbankUSA.com if you plan on joining us at CnC prior to the event. If all 30 spots fill up I can request more ahead of time.


We should also have the taco truck!


Also you can RSVP on the Hillbank Facebook!


Hillbank Motorsports / Superformance / Shelby Distribution

6 Autry

Irvine, CA 92618


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