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Shelby Drop with Granda spindles

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I am in the process of rebuilding my wife's '66 Mustang front suspension and also adding Granada spindles for disc brakes and a power brake booster and dual master cylinder.


I am contemplating doing the Shelby drop for better handling on the road (I am also replacing the original 5/8" swaybar with a 1" swaybar) but I have read a couple articles on doing this with the Granada spindles and one says that there will be binding on the upper balljoint with these spindles and the other says that there is only binding if you drop the arms more than 1", like 1 1/4".


Does anyone have experience with this modification?





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Hi Steve.


I remember reading about this a long time ago as well. Some said, "no problems", some said, "yes problems."


Check out the guys at this forum - a lot of real world experience there. I used to go there a lot before Ford took their first site - FoMoCo.com




Let me know what you find out and best of luck.

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