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Lost my Dad yesterday.

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My dad had surgery for a perforated colon and was not strong enough to survive. He had many health issues which complicated the process but most notably lived in severe pain every day from crippling arthritis. In the previous months there were days he could not even get out of bed he hurt so much. My sister and I did get to fly out and spend the last couple weeks with him although he could only speak a word at a time before drifting off to sleep. This is a day no one wants to see but under the circumstances its a blessing. His affairs were in order and there was nothing unfinished to attend to. Most importantly he was a man of faith. He kept his humor to the end as he cracked a couple jokes and made a funny face he would make when he was cracking up when we were kids. He was at peace and ready to move on to the next step.


My heart goes out to the people of Banner Baywood hospital and hospice in Mesa Az. The quality care and treatment and compassion they provided was above and beyond. This made the whole event much easier to endure.


The main reason I posted this was to tell you that our relationship was not always that close. In recent years we were able to mend it and therefore I have no regrets. Years ago I said my apologies as did he and all was well. If you or some one you know has a relationship that could be closer time may not be on you side. It may be hard to do but sometimes you have to take the first step even if you don't feel you were wrong. Once there gone it's too late.


Take care. Scott.

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My Prayers go out to you and your Family. it sounds like your Dad was a very strong Man. I lost my Mom back in December of 2009 and still haven't gotten over it. Hospice is a great place and was a huge help with everything.

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My dad had surgery for a perforated colon and was not strong enough to survive. He had many health issues which complicated the process but most notably lived in severe pain every day from crippling arthritis. In the previous months there were days he could not even get out of bed he hurt so much. My sister and I did get to fly out and spend the last couple weeks with him although he could only speak a word at a time before drifting off to sleep. This is a day no one wants to see but under the circumstances its a blessing. His affairs were in order and there was nothing unfinished to attend to. Most importantly he was a man of faith. He kept his humor to the end as he cracked a couple jokes and made a funny face he would make when he was cracking up when we were kids. He was at peace and ready to move on to the next step.


My heart goes out to the people of Banner Baywood hospital and hospice in Mesa Az. The quality care and treatment and compassion they provided was above and beyond. This made the whole event much easier to endure.


The main reason I posted this was to tell you that our relationship was not always that close. In recent years we were able to mend it and therefore I have no regrets. Years ago I said my apologies as did he and all was well. If you or some one you know has a relationship that could be closer time may not be on you side. It may be hard to do but sometimes you have to take the first step even if you don't feel you were wrong. Once there gone it's too late.


Take care. Scott.



Sorry for your loss, Scott. I just lost my Father last Monday.


I'm sorry for your loss, gentlemen. I am sorry to hear this. Have hope in the Promise of the Resurrection.

Thank you for your advice, Scott.



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My dad had surgery for a perforated colon and was not strong enough to survive. He had many health issues which complicated the process but most notably lived in severe pain every day from crippling arthritis. In the previous months there were days he could not even get out of bed he hurt so much. My sister and I did get to fly out and spend the last couple weeks with him although he could only speak a word at a time before drifting off to sleep. This is a day no one wants to see but under the circumstances its a blessing. His affairs were in order and there was nothing unfinished to attend to. Most importantly he was a man of faith. He kept his humor to the end as he cracked a couple jokes and made a funny face he would make when he was cracking up when we were kids. He was at peace and ready to move on to the next step.


My heart goes out to the people of Banner Baywood hospital and hospice in Mesa Az. The quality care and treatment and compassion they provided was above and beyond. This made the whole event much easier to endure.


The main reason I posted this was to tell you that our relationship was not always that close. In recent years we were able to mend it and therefore I have no regrets. Years ago I said my apologies as did he and all was well. If you or some one you know has a relationship that could be closer time may not be on you side. It may be hard to do but sometimes you have to take the first step even if you don't feel you were wrong. Once there gone it's too late.


Take care. Scott.



Sorry to hear that news Scott He's in a better place now with no pain !!!

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Most importantly he was a man of faith.


He was at peace and ready to move on to the next step.








I'm glad that you were able mend the relationship between you and your father. When Jesus walked the earth it is one of the first things he taught us. It even shows up in the very first prayer that Jesus said when he showed us how to pray to the Lord our God. 2 of the statements you said in your post caught my attention and put a smile on my face in this time of sadness because your dad has been renewed and is in a new body that is free of pain and hurt. The angels above are singing. I will say a prayer for you today for comfort and peace.








Our Father, Who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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I am sorry to hear this . I was sitting here thinking about how I am going to handle the June 4th 0ne yr. loss of my wife and you made me realize that I am not the only person to lose somebody they love .If you have somebody in your life that you care about let them know . Now that I have so few left I give even more love to them.


God bless and stay strong

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Sorry to read about your loss. You are lucky you and your Dad made amends when you did. I wasn't that lucky. I still wish we could have been closer because one never knows what the future holds.

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I am sorry to hear about your Dad.


Talking about it to friends here, is great therapy. I second you a on the 'making things right before it's too late' theme. Me and my pop spent most of my adult life at odds. I was tired of that $hit and made it right...real right! He passed in 2001 from lung cancer, and we were good. Thank God, as I think of him often...and with NO regret!


Stay strong my man!


Chris and Gina

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My condolences at the loss of your father. :grouphug: :beerchug:

Any charities or things that were dear to you Dad that you're fellow TS members could contribute to in his name?

Is he a car guy? I say "is" because as long as we remember them, they still "live".

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Hi Scott,


Sorry to hear about your loss.


I know exactly what you are going through my mom went into surgery last June 2010 she didn't do so well with the surgery so she had to get hooked up to a trach for about 2 months then from there she went to a transition hospital then to a nursing home then they recommended she went to a assisted living complex but she was too stuborn so she went home for two months then she had to get admitted again for malnutrition now she had to get the feeding tube installed again and then that didn't go so well so then they had to hook the trach back up again for about a month and now she's been up and down, one week she is good and can stay in the nursing home and next week she is back to the hosptial. Needless to say this year has been very hard on my family and to top it all off my 45 year old sister died two weeks ago of a heart attack. We had to tell my mom while she was in the hospital and of course she went down hill fast but now she is again on the rebound.


My sister and I had a few issues and I have not really had a pleasant conversation with her since Christmas and if I could go back in time I would have made amends of the situation that happened between us. So now I get to live with regrets. Everybody tells me to let it go but its easier said than done. So I do understand what you are going through and it really SUCKS.



Today is a Gift, Tomorrow is not promised so please tell your loved ones that you love them and always forgive them.




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Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. I know how it feels and how hard the adjustment will be. I lost my dad to an elective surgical procedure that went bad. He has been gone now about 2 1/2 years. It still hurts. Take care my friend and god bless...........



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