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Would you believe SexyStang is on the phone with Secondo!!!!! The story goes his phone fell out of his pocket and when he grabbed it to put it back he called Laurie... :hysterical: So she listened for a couple laps at him cussin himself and yelling at everyone to get out of his way!!!



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Hi Everyone,


I also have a number of pictures as well as some video. One of the videos is when I was a passenger with Gary in the GT350 so you can share the fantastic experience. If anyone is interested in having a set of the videos or pictures, let me know and I can put them on a DVD and either ship them off to you or bring them to Carlisle in a couple of weeks.


I have uploaded the pictures and videos to a Photobucket album so no one needs to wait. The link is below:





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I think SexyStang is cheating on Secondo!!!



I caught her red handed leaving on a date with Gary Patterson!!!



Would you believe SexyStang is on the phone with Secondo!!!!! The story goes his phone fell out of his pocket and when he grabbed it to put it back he called Laurie... :hysterical: So she listened for a couple laps at him cussin himself and yelling at everyone to get out of his way!!!





Good one Doug!!


"Hey baby what's up? Me- just doing some serious autocrossing at the Poconos.."


Yeah all that hard cornering caused my phone to go flying out of my pocket...

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