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Shipping My GT


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I have taken a new job which will result in my 07 GT-500 vert having to be shipped from California to Florida. The good part is this is on the company's dime the bad part is I do not have a lot of control over how the car ships. Does anyone have advice (other than worry) on things I should do? I intend to take pictures, lots of pictures, and ensuring the moving company is aware of my anal retentiveness about the car. I have seen new cars come in with protective coatings on the hood and doors is this available? Looking for some comfort knowing that I have done everything I can do to protect my car.


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Whatever you do don't let your household goods van line put the car on the same van. I'm betting your relo package will call for that. If you can talk them into separate transport it will most likely be open.


If you can talk them in to covered I recommend InterCity Lines. Offer to pick up the difference between open and covered. But don't let them pack your furniture in the same van. You'd be better off driving it.

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